Meriwether Lewis
William Clark
Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States Louisiana Purchase 1803 – Doubles the size of the US Lewis was his personal secretary – TJ Trained him in botany and zoology – Gave the expedition its mission
Corps of Discovery 33 Members – Soldiers – Frontiersmen – Trappers – Traders – Sacagawea – Clark’s slave York – Lewis’s Newfoundland Dog Seaman
Harpers Ferry, WV Federal Arsenal – Guns – Knives – Axes – Hatchets – Supplies
New Sights The expedition was in awe of the immense herds of buffalo. "I had a view of... near 20,000 of those animals feeding on [the] plain," wrote William Clark It's colour is yellowish brown, the eyes small, black, and piercing...these bear being so hard to die reather intimedates us all..."— Meriwether Lewis
The Route, The Journey, The Vehicles!
Trading With the Native-Americans
New Coins (Contemporary)
Bibliography ns/activities/01/lewis_gallery_1.html