The Beach of Falesa: Robert Louis Stevenson A230b: Reading and Studying Literature Shahd Alshammari, AOU Spring 2014
At Home Stevenson’s popularity. Stevenson’s writing broadened the horizons of millions of British readers. From an upper-middle-class Scottish family. Discuss Bio. Consider his house, the arrangement of public and private space. Pg 443 Physically and domestically secure but psychologically stifling. Mention his illness. How did this help create his literary career? Poetry. A Child’s Garden of Verses- very popular with children. He wrote them as an adult, adopting a child’s voice.
Stevenson’s Poetry Read ‘Travel’ and ‘Foreign Lands.’ What are the main themes and how does this relate to home and abroad? Citizen of the world. Discuss Two travel books: An Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey (1878, 1879) In 1888 he left to the Pacific.
The Beach of Falesa Divided into 5 chapters Hybrid form, novella Initially meant to be serialized Censored initially. Discuss Mixes Realism with Romantic and Poetic modes, Supernatural Realist Novel and Adventure Romance Stevensons’s move toward Realism- after he moved permanently to Samoa.
Imagery, Setting description, Engaging the senses 1 st person narration and audience Problems of the place revealed through dialogue What is the significance of John Adams’ story (illness and insanity)? Opening section first uses the romance of the first encounter with the Pacific island, and then a realist account of the issues. Adventure romance and travel writing traditions How does Stevenson rely on his audience's expectations to form the narrative? (451)