Managing an aging workforce Speaker: Lindsay Cameron Chapter3 Enterprise A not for profit Community Interest Company Hull 20 November 2015
Chapter3 – take three women…….. Many years experience of working with and helping thousands of mature people to face significant life changes Our passion: to inspire mature people to make the 3 rd chapter of their lives fulfilling and engaging We work across the UK with a wide network of partners and in collaboration with academic, economic, government and specialist organisations to support over 50’s into an economically active future
Our journey – step 1 “You ladies are inspiring” Anne “You did for me in one day what 6½ years signing on and attending work programmes couldn’t” Geoff.
Some intriguing stats Fact 1: 64.6m people in UK Fact 2: By 2020, ½ population will be 50+ Fact 3: 3 million year olds are economically inactive at a cost to the UK economy of £88bn pa Fact 4:1+ m of them want to but can’t get work
Our journey – step 2 “Having a dedicated time and space to think positively about my impending retirement. No magic wand but you have set me up well for my journey” Mick. “The discussions with other people in similar situations” Isobel “I have confidence to pursue my dream future; will contact chapter3 for further support” Mark
“People 50 – 55 who have been unemployed for 12 months are more likely to die or retire permanently than get a job” Chris Ball Specialist Adviser on the Ageing Workforce
Demographics and the economy The future impact of demographic changes on the UK’s economic stability demands people stay in work longer
Our journey – step 3
The baby boomer phenomenon Baby boomers – different all their lives and still different as the approach their mature years This generation is becoming the catalyst for yet another series of profound changes in the marketplace, the workplace, and the world in general
Looking at those who are employed……. New research 69% of women and 59% of men over 50 currently employed want to continue working But: 31% of women and 41% of men don’t! And those who do….. don’t necessarily want to stay in the same job.
Skills gap We’re running out of workers: employer plans suggest we will need to fill 13.5 million job vacancies in the next 7- 8 years, yet only 7 million young people will leave school and college
UK employers whose human capital issues are at the top of their lists
The Problem is Global Plans for South Korea in the press the other day USA are leading thinking …..or are they? Australian Human Rights Commission has found 1/3 rd of people who had been discriminated against gave up looking for work - complaints of age discrimination are being received from 40 years old. Mail on line Nov15 In 2007: Angola, Austria, Africa, Barbados, Brazil, Egypt, Iran El Salvador, Islamic Republic, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Poland, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Mozambique, Thailand, Venezuela Finland, Switzerland, and more…
Our message to you……. Your organization needs older workers more than ever: They transfer knowledge between generations The transmit your company's values to new staff They make excellent mentors for younger employees They provide a "just in time" workforce for special projects
Our programme – puts Baroness Altmann’s vision in place in your workplace Let’s join up some dots that you already have in place together so you can: Retain your older workers by taking some simple yet powerful steps to stop the brain drain or wisdom withdrawal in your business Retrain them and use their wealth of experience, skills and wisdom differently to boost productivity Recruit with integrity and understand the top 10 myths you may have been believing about older workers
Our approach We won’t blind you with science or hard to digest models or consultant speak Our approach is pragmatic, practical, sensible From a place of knowledge and expertise of the economic and social issues From a place of empathy and strong insight into this sector of society
Why work with us? We are all quite special women in our own way who come together and created something remarkable Come and talk to us about our stories and…. what we can do for you.