Latin 2: Schedule 11/10 Topic: Verb Conjugation Review Topic: Verb Conjugation Review NOTE SCHDULE CHANGES NOTE SCHDULE CHANGES Warm-Up: ATL C, pg. 91 Warm-Up: ATL C, pg. 91 finish and check finish and check Stage 25 Stories: Modestus custos Stage 25 Stories: Modestus custos assign parts and read individually for inflections assign parts and read individually for inflections group reading group reading Verbs Picture Parade Verbs Picture Parade Reminders: All Cases and Tenses Test 11/13 ● Indirect Statement and Cum Clause Quiz on 11/14 ● Stage 25 Test 11/20
Latin 2: Schedule 11/11 Topic: Verb Conjugation Review Topic: Verb Conjugation Review Verbs Picture Parade Verbs Picture Parade Stage 25 Stories: Modestus perfuga I Stage 25 Stories: Modestus perfuga I group reading group reading Reminders: All Cases and Tenses Test 11/13 ● Indirect Statement and Cum Clause Quiz on 11/14 ● Stage 25 Test 11/20
Latin 2: Schedule 11/13 Topic: Verb Conjugation Review Topic: Verb Conjugation Review All Cases and Tenses Test All Cases and Tenses Test Stage 25 Stories: Modestus perfuga II Stage 25 Stories: Modestus perfuga II assign parts and pre-read for inflections assign parts and pre-read for inflections group reading group reading Pick out all of the subjunctive clauses in the last three stories Pick out all of the subjunctive clauses in the last three stories translate individually on paper translate individually on paper check as a group check as a group Reminders: Indirect Statement and Cum Clause Quiz on 11/14 ● Stage 25 Test 11/20
Latin 2: Schedule 11/14 Topic: Verb Conjugation Review Topic: Verb Conjugation Review Indirect Statements and Cum Clauses Quiz Indirect Statements and Cum Clauses Quiz Stage 25 Stories: Modestus perfuga Stage 25 Stories: Modestus perfuga re-read stories together re-read stories together prepare for dramatization prepare for dramatization Reminders: All Cases and Tenses Test 11/13 ● Indirect Statement and Cum Clause Quiz on 11/14 ● Stage 25 Test 11/20