Vocabulary Quiz 1. (adj.) old, ancient 2. (conj.) and 3. (adj.) wide 4. (noun) tongue, language 5. (adj.) large 6. (adv.) not
Vocabulary Quiz 1. (adj.) old, ancient - antiqua 2. (conj.) and - et 3. (adj.) wide - lata 4. (noun) tongue, language - lingua, linguae, f. 5. (adj.) large - magna 6. (adv.) not - non
Dictionary form of a English verb. swimv.i. (swam, swum, swimming) move through the water Present Indicative Part of Speech Principal PartsMeaning Dictionary form of a Latin verb. sumessebe Present IndicativePresent InfinitiveMeaning 1st Singular sum = I am esse = to be
Conjugation of the verb “be” (Page 14) sum esse - be Present Tense 1. sum I am1. sumus we are 2. es you are2. estis you are 3. est he, she, it,3. sunt they, N.P.N., N.S.N, there are there is
The queen is beautiful. Noun Verb Adj. Subject 3rd. Sing. Nom. Present Fem. Active Sing. Indic. Regina est pulchra. queen - regina, reginae, f. is - sum esse – be beautiful - pulchra
It is a large hut in the forest. Verb Adj. Noun Prep. Noun 3rd. S. Pred. Nom. Object of Prep. Present Nom. Ablative Active Fem. Fem. Indic. Sing. Sing. Est magna casa in silva. It is - sum esse be hut - casa, casae, f. large - magna in - in forest - silva, silvae, f.
You (sing.) are happy in your hut. Verb Adj. Prep. Adj. Noun 2nd. Sing. Object of Prep. Present Ablative Active Fem. Indic. Sing. Es laeta in casa tua. You are - sum esse be happy - laeta in - in your - tua hut - casa, casae, f.