T HINGS TO DO TODAY Find the past form of the verbs on page 12 and complete the story. Read again the story and analyze the sentences that use “Simple Past Tense.” Mention the pattern of “Simple Past Tense” based on the examples given to you. Make your own sentences using “Simple Past Tense.” See the Wh-Q and Y/N-Q of “Simple Past Tense.” Make your own questions. Answer your friends’ questions related to “Simple Past Tense.”
G ETTING MORE INFORMATION ABOUT SOMEONE Complete and practice the conversations on page 13 and 14 as your exercises. Act out the conversation using the look up and say technique. Interview your partner using the questions on page 14 to get the information about him/ her. Introduce him/ her in front of the class. Read the compositions that are written and sent by your friends. Correct some mistakes that your friends made in the paragraphs.
M AKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE LESSON... Prepare your self for the First quiz next week...