Graphs & Tables.


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Presentation transcript:

Graphs & Tables

Writing task 1: Describing facts & figures Test ability to interpret & present inf. Present inf. In your own words Don’t give opinion, make assumptions or draw conclusions

Inf. In task 1 is presented: A line graph A bar or pie chart A table of information A diagram of stages of a process or procedure A sequence of events A picture of an object showing how it works

How to write Think first Ask questions Purposes? Changes have occurred over time? Significant trends? Most interesting feature? Image Source: Line Graph Sales

Introduction Description Conclusion 2. Then write How to write Image Source: Line Graph Sales

Paraphrase the description in 1 or 2 sent. How to write 2. Then write Introduction Paraphrase the description in 1 or 2 sent. Don’t copy it. Image Source: Line Graph Sales

Focus on trends & interesting points Description Focus on trends & interesting points Describe the most significant data first 2. Then write How to write Image Source: Line Graph Sales

Give example to support trends Description Give example to support trends Use statistics accurately Image Source: Line Graph Sales

Do not have to be a separate paragraph Conclusion Do not have to be a separate paragraph A single sentence can be round off your report. Include comment/opinion/interesting observation Image Source: Line Graph Sales

Writing the introductory sentence: use your own words Type of chart Appropriate verb Description The illustration graph pie chart bar chart table shows illustrates presents reveals describes gives the number of …. the proportion… information on … data on … the percentage of … the rate of … Writing the introductory sentence: use your own words

HOW TO START For single bar graph Given is a figure concerning (what, who, when, where). As is illustrated by the graph… (describe main trends here). For multiple bar graphs A glance at the two figures provided reveals (what, who, when, where). As is shown by the graph … (describe main trends here).

To avoid plagiarism, change the words Example: The two pie charts show the proportion of males and females in employment in six categories. The two pie charts give the proportion of men and women employed in six areas.

To avoid plagiarism, change the structure Example: The two pie charts show the proportion of males and females in employment in six categories. The two pie charts give, in six broad areas, the proportion of men and women employed.

Writing the body: start your descriptions with: It is clear from the graph/ table that It can be seen from the graph/ table As the graph/ table shows, As can be seen from the graph/ table, As is shown by the graph/ table, As is illustrated by the graph/table, From the graph/ table it is clear …

Warnings: 1. Avoid using the phrase: According to the graph, …. 2. Expressions do not contain the dummy subject “It” As can be seen from the graph/ table, As is shown by the graph/ table, As is illustrated by the graph/table, 3. The word “present” requires a summarizing noun to follow. The graph presents an overview of the population growth of Asia in the last 20 years.

Language use 1. Describing trends: Numeric items: population, production volumes, unemployment Image Source: Business Graph Image Source: qpeak Image Source: Rise and Fall Graph

Language use 2. Expressing movement: Nouns There was a fall in unemployment levels Verbs Unemployment levels fell Image Source: Rise and Fall Graph

Language use 2. Expressing movement: Verbs Rose (to) Increased (to) Went up (to) Climbed (to) Boomed Nouns A rise An increase Growth An upward trend A boom (a dramatic rise) Image Source: Business Graph

Language use 2. Expressing movement: Verbs Develop Double Gain Jump Escalate Accelerate Nouns A development A double A gain A jump Image Source: Business Graph

Language use 2. Expressing movement: Verbs Fell (to) Declined (to) Decreased (to) Dipped (to) Dropped (to) Went down (to) Slumped (to) Reduced (to) Nouns A fall A decline A decrease A drop A slump (a dramatic fall) A reduction Image Source: Rise and Fall Graph

2. Expressing movement: Nouns Language use 2. Expressing movement: Nouns Verbs Lower (to) Diminish (to) Shrink (to) Slow down (to) Lessen (to) Image Source: Rise and Fall Graph

2. Expressing movement: Nouns A leveling out No change Language use 2. Expressing movement: Nouns A leveling out No change Verbs Leveled out (at) Did not change Remained stable (at) Remained steady (at) Stayed constant (at) Maintained the same level Image Source: qpeak

Language use 2. Expressing movement: Nouns A fluctuation Reached a peak (of) Reached at plateau (at) Verbs Fluctuated (around) Varied Peaked (at) Plateaued (at) Stood at (focus on a particular point, before mentioning the movement) Image Source: up and down linegraph

Language use 2. Describing the movement: Adjectives & Adverbs There has been a slight increase in the value of the dollar. -> the degree of change Unemployment fell rapidly last year. -> the speed of change

2. Describing degree of change of the movement: Language use 2. Describing degree of change of the movement: Adjectives Adverbs Dramatic Sharp Huge Enormous Steep Substantial Dramatically Sharply Enormously Steeply Substantially Image Source: Rise and Fall Graph

2. Describing degree of change of the movement: Language use 2. Describing degree of change of the movement: Adjectives Adverbs Considerable Significant Marked Considerably Significantly Markedly Image Source: Rise and Fall Graph

2. Describing degree of change of the movement: Language use 2. Describing degree of change of the movement: Adjectives Adverbs Moderate Moderately Image Source: Business Graph

2. Describing degree of change of the movement: Language use 2. Describing degree of change of the movement: Adjectives Adverbs Slight Small Minimal Slightly Minimally Image Source: qpeak

2. Describing the speed of change of the movement: Language use 2. Describing the speed of change of the movement: Adjectives Adverbs Rapid Quick Swift Sudden Rapidly Quickly Swiftly Suddenly Image Source: Rise and Fall Graph

2. Describing the speed of change of the movement: Language use 2. Describing the speed of change of the movement: Adjectives Adverbs Steady Gradual Steadily Gradually Image Source: Business Graph

Other Verbs experience make up consist of constitute comprise amount to equal account for represent include record become stand at

Other Verbs The number of unemployed was 10% of the population. The percentage of women in the workforce was higher than in the previous year. Women made up/ constituted a significant percentage of the workforce. Food and garden materials comprise nearly half of all household waste.

Verbs Paper and cardboard amounted to 2l% of the total household waste. The population of Asia stood at 21 million at the turn of the century. Fossil fuel emissions account for the majority of greenhouse gases. The consumption of fossil fuels reached the highest levels in recent years.

Mathematical Expressions half n. halve vb. double n. / vb. triple adj. treble vb. /ˈtrebl/ threefold adj./ adv. quarter n. / vb multiply vb. divide vb. average adj. I vb I n. total adj. / vb. partial adj. equal adj. / n. fraction n. quadruple v.

Fill in the phrases production rose at a rate ……… 20% per year / per annum / p.a. consumption stood ……… the same level in the following decade the annual increase was ………. / ………………. the range of 10% and 20% production increased / decreased …… 20% of at in within by

Fill in the phrases The increase was very significant, ………. 50% at X was the largest producer, …………….. 45% of the total production The number remained steady ……………….. 300 for the next year Exports doubled, to ……………… 80% of imports in 1990 There were three times as …………. users as in the previous year The number of users increased …………fivefold at with at reach many

3. Expressing approximation: Language use 3. Expressing approximation: Just under Well under Roughly Approximately About Just over Well over Nearly Around

From Jan. to Feb., During (in) the period from … to/ between…and Language use 4. Time period From Jan. to Feb., During (in) the period from … to/ between…and In the first/ last three months of the year Over the period from … to Over the next years/ decades

Examples: Time period there+… adj. n. in ”what” From Jan. to Feb., During (in) the period from … to/ between…and In the first/ last three months of the year Over the period from … to Over the next years/ decades there is was a has been will be slight slow gradual dramatic increase rise growth fall drop decline in the number of cars sold

Examples: Time period Subject Verb Adv. From Jan. to Feb., During (in) the period from … to/ between…and In the first/ last three months of the year Over the period from … to Over the next years/ decades the number of cars sold increased rose fell dropped declined slightly dramatically moderately

Little or no change: Time period Subject Verb From Jan. to Feb., During (in) the period from … to/ between…and In the first/ last three months of the year Over the period from … to Over the next years/ decades the number of cars sold stayed/ remained the same stayed/ remained unchanged/ stable/ constant reached the plateau stood at leveled off

The highest and the lowest points Time period Subject Verb From Jan. to Feb., During (in) the period from … to/ between…and In the first/ last three months of the year Over the period from … to Over the next years/ decades the number of cars sold the monthly profit the figures the situation reached a peak hit a peak hit the highest point hit a trough bottomed out reached the bottom fell/ reached to the lowest point