Group Conflict Group members: Oon Seok Khim Nik Fazlin Binti Abd.Rahim AS100235AS Khor Tzy ChiiZuraida Binti Ibrahim AS100207AS Fleming Kou Ping LinNurfarhani Binti Mustafa AS100201AS100232
Introduction Psychological and behavioral reaction to a perception that another person is either keeping you from reaching a goal, taking away your right to behave in a particular way, or violating the expectancies of a relationship. Level of conflict that occur is a function of the importance of the goal, behavior, or relationship. Most conflict results in lower team performance and lower member satisfaction(De Dreu & Weingart,2003).
Group Conflict Types of Conflict Cause of Conflict Conflict Styles Resolving Conflict
Types of Conflict Occurs between two individuals. Interpersonal Conflict Occurs between individual and a group Occur when the individual’s needs are different from the group’s needs, goals, or norms Individual- Group Conflict Occur between two or more groups Group-group Conflict
Causes of Conflict Competition for resources Task inter- dependence Jurisdictional ambiguity Communication barriers BeliefsPersonality
there is not enough resources to satisfy the needs for every person or group. Competition for resources performance of some group members depends on others. Task interdependence geographical boundaries of authority are unclear. Jurisdictional ambiguity
it can be physical, cultural, and psychological. Communication barriers they are superior to other people or groups have been mistreated by others cannot trust others and powerless or helpless. Belief the result of people with incompatible personalities who must work together Personality
Conflict Styles Avoiding Styles Accommodating Styles Forcing Style Collaborating Style Compromising Style
Conflict Styles 1. Avoiding Style To ignore the conflict and hope it will resolve itself. Not the best way to handle. 2. Accommodating Style Intent on settling a conflict that he gives in and risks hurting himself. Usually viewed as cooperative but weak. 3. Forcing Style Handle conflict in a win-lose fashion and does what it take to win, with little regard for the other person. Effective in winning but also can damage relation so badly
4. Collaborating Style Win-win solutions –that is, ways in which both sides get what they want. The best to use whenever possible. 5. Compromising Style Give and take tactics that enable each sides to get some of what it wants but not everything it wants. Involve a good deal of negotiation and bargaining.
Resolving conflict Employees should receive training on the causes of conflict, ways to prevent and strategies for resolving conflicts. Prior to conflict occurring Encouraged to use the conflict resolution skills they learn in training. To reduce tension and increase trust between them. Meet in a private location to address the problem. When conflict first occurs Mediation : asked to help both parties reach a mutually agreeable solution to the conflict. Arbitration : listens to both sides arguments and then makes a decision. Third-party intervention
Conclusion Conflict usually results from factors such as competition for resources, task interdependence, jurisdictional ambiguity, communication barriers, and personality. People react to conflict by ignoring it through withdrawal, trying to win at all costs, trying to persuade the other side to resolve the conflict in their favor, bargaining for an agreement, or asking for third party help.