Alfred Hitchcock’s Effect On Film and Phobia By Nicholas Wilkinson
Alfred Hitchcock Hitchcock was born August 13 th, 1899 He died April 29th, 1980 With a career spanning, more than 50 years Hitchcock is regarded as the best thriller director of our time
Hitchcock’s style Hitchcock had an interesting style of directing mixing humor, tension, and terror to thrill an audience. Also he used a macGuffin, a plot device which drives suspense throughout the movie but isn’t significant in the end.
Phobias and their classifications A phobia is an irrational and excessive fear of an object, place, or situation. A specific phobia is a fear of a certain object or place A social phobia is a fear of a certain situation
Hitchcock's famous works and their connection to phobias Among some of his best films are Psycho, Vertigo, Marnie, North By Northwest All of these films involved phobias Vertigo and Marnie thereis a character who is inflicted, or they create a phobia like