Black History Power Point By Elizabeth McKay
Asa Philip Randolph Randolph led the March on Washington with 250,000 people following him. He was the founder and chief organizer of the Brotherhood of Sleeping car Porters. The BSCP was the first African American labor union to win a collective bargaining agreement in the country.
W.E.B Du Bois Was the first African American to get his PH.D from Harvard. Said to be the “most prominent intellectual leader and political activist” in the first half of the 20 th century.
Mae Jemison Was the first African American woman to go to space. Was a Peace Corps medical officer in
Thurgood Marshall First African American to serve on the supreme court of the United States. Worked with the NAACP(the national Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Why February is Black History Month Carter Goodwin Woodson, a pioneer in American black history, a publisher, and a noted historian chose February as black history month. He chose it for its significance in American black history. Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, W.E.B Du Bois was born, the 15 th amendment to the United States was passed, the first black senator took office, the N.A.A.C.P was founded, Malcolm X was shot and killed. These are reasons why Carter Goodwin Woodson chose February as Black History Month.