Fast Food Healthy or Horrible?. Project Sponsors School District of Philadelphia Nutrition Center, Department of Bioscience & Biotechnology Drexel University.


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Presentation transcript:

Fast Food Healthy or Horrible?

Project Sponsors School District of Philadelphia Nutrition Center, Department of Bioscience & Biotechnology Drexel University USDA project funded through the Food Stamp Program Funded by the PENNSYLVANIA NUTRITION EDUCATION TRACKS, a part of USDA’s Food Stamp Program. To find out how the Food Stamp Program can help you buy healthy foods, contact the PA Department of Public Welfare’s tool-free helpline at This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Pop Quiz: Which meal has the least amount of fat? #1 Quarter pound burger with cheese, large fries and diet soda #2 Crispy chicken salad with 2 ounces of creamy Caesar dressing and regular soda #3 Taco Salad and bottled water 54 grams 34 grams 48 grams

What are today’s topics ?? Fast Food Healthy choices Energy balance Portion size vs

Survey: How many of you eat fast food? What are your favorite fast food restaurants? How often do you eat fast food? What is your favorite fast food choice? Do you think fast food is healthy or unhealthy? –Why???

Fast Food Facts Americans spend a lot of money on fast food (and that amount is increasing)! –On French fries: 1970: $6 billion 2000: $110 billion We eat out often! –Average American dines out 198 times a year How many times a week is this?? Do you dine out more often or less often than this?

20 Years Ago Today How many calories are in today’s order of fries? Adapted from Fast Food Facts: Portion Sizes 210 Calories 2.4 ounces

French Fries 20 Years Ago Today Adapted from Calories 6.9 ounces Calorie Difference: 400 Calories 210 Calories 2.4 ounces

more than 200 calories per day weight gain increase in per capita consumption Source:Nestle, 2002 Americans are eating more

You do the math On average, Americans are eating an extra 200 calories every day 200 calories x days in 1 year = extra calories per year 1 pound = 3500 calories 73,000 calories per year  3500 calories per pound = pounds of weight gain in 1 year

Be more physically active –If you eat the extra 200 calories each day, burn them off! Control your food intake –Cut out some things in your daily diet –Eat smaller portions Avoiding the 20 pound gain 1 chocolate cream filled cupcake 20 peanut M&Ms 5 chicken nuggets 1 large chocolate chip cookie Fast food medium soda

How long will you have to walk leisurely in order to burn those extra 400 calories?* *Based on 160-pound person Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a Balancing Act Calories In = Calories Out Adapted from

*Based on 160-pound person If you walk leisurely for 1 hour and 10 minutes you will burn approximately 400 calories.* Calories In = Calories Out Adapted from

Before: What you might choose: Quarter Pound Burger w/Cheese Large Fries Large Milkshake Totals: 1770 Grams of Fat = 68 Calories = Grams of Fat

Fast Food Make-Over: After: Cheeseburger, Small Fries and Bottled Water Totals: Calories = Grams of Fat = Grams of Fat

So…what is the problem with eating too much fast food? Think about your future health! –Fast food contains a lot of fat, calories, and sodium − Can lead to weight gain and high blood pressure – These health problems can lead to chronic diseases Diabetes Heart Disease Stroke Some cancers

Remember Not All Fats Are Bad… What are the benefits of fat? –Cushion and protect organs –Needed for energy –Helps with vitamin absorption What fats are good for the body? –Tree nuts –Fish –Vegetable oils

“To eat or not to eat”…that is the question! It is possible to enjoy fast foods and stay healthy -Eat them less often -Make wiser choices What are the best choices??

Remember the Healthy Hints: Choose vegetable topped pizza - skip fatty meat toppings Choose grilled chicken - skip fried foods Choose smaller portions - skip “super size” Other good choices: baked potato, side salads, bean burritos, frozen yogurt What other Healthy Hints can you think of? Fast Food

The Fast Food Facts Make Healthier Choices –Low fat foods –Smaller Portions Maintain Energy Balance – Increase Physical Activity –Smaller portions


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