CROSS EXAMINING RESUMES & LINKED IN Lani Caffey Griffin Associates
WHAT IS IT YOU DO AGAIN? Can you get me a job? What do you bring to the table, lady? Cover Letters Types of Resumes Resume Suggestions Linked In Q & A
COVER LETTERS ARE OLD SCHOOL Tips Find hiring manager’s name or title Concise (1-2 paragraphs) Highlight experience or skills that align with company culture Ex. Servant Leadership Not too formal, but not too folksy Exceptions Employer asks for one Explain gaps, what you did during that time
SKILLS BASED RESUME When to use: New to the job market Short-term positions, internships, or temporary positions rather than long-term experience Changing career fields Work experience is all very similar and seems redundant Ex. Jessica Significant work gaps – a year or more
SKILLS BASED RESUME What to Include: Pick 3-4 Skills (Project Management, Communication, Leadership) Create bullets explaining accomplishments for each skill Brief work history Extras Education Certifications Professional affiliations Project list Relevant Community Involvement
CHRONOLOGICAL RESUME Most commonly used Go with summary instead of objective Start with current or most recent experience Include months and years
RESUME SUGGESTIONS Each resume submitted should be tailored to each position and company - buzzwords Concise - No more than 2 pages Formatting Easy on the eyes 30 second scan Fonts Helvetica, Arial, Calibri - Clean lines Garamond to maximize space Times New Roman = Sweatpants No more than two
FAUX PAS Spelling or grammar errors Getting too personal Inconsistencies Speaking ill of previous employers or co-workers Inappropriate social media
LINKED IN Familiar with Linked In? Great for networking Recruiters can find you Follow interesting companies & job postings Keep consistent with resume