2013 KID STRONG CONFERENCE Special Services Director Gia Deasy 200 Gaston Avenue, Fairmont WV 26554
Marion County Schools Student population 8,096 SWD 1, % 3 AA High Schools 1 ALC 5 Middle Schools (2 large) 2 K-8 schools 9 elementary schools
4 WV’s SWPBS Big Ideas
LEADERSHIP TEAM Influential Meeting/Agenda Sharing/Marketing Representative Courageous Conversations
DATA School Wide Information System
Data Driven Collecting Data USING DATA PROACTIVE APPROACH What is happening? Where is it happening? Why is it happening?
DATA may illuminate MORE issues Problematic environments Classroom management concerns Supervision/crowding concerns. Student-teacher assignments
9 EXPECTATIONS and GUIDELINES How important is it to YOU to know what is expected of you? How frequently do YOU depend on signs/cue card to prompt you? How do expectations vary across settings? If students DID what you EXPECTED of them –how would that impact discipline?
CELEBRATE/ acknowledge
Early Childhood PBS Environment Developmentally appropriate tasks Schedules/Transitions Understanding feelings Friendships and relationships
EARLY Childhood PBS ALL PRE K trained Kindergarten Pilot – 2011 school year January 2011 Pilot June collaborative with Harrison County
WV School Based Mental Health Barnes Learning Center Pilot All 3 high schools 3 large middle schools United Summit Center
Special Education Involvement Disproportionality-out of school suspensions Disproportionality- Emotional Behavior Disorders At Risk Factors-associated with SWD characteristics
Outcomes Decreases in OSS Decreases in EBD identification Decreases in Pre-K referral rates “Spill over” effects-school climate
Enhancing School Climate & Student Behavioral Competence School Wide Positive Behavior Supports Early Childhood PBS SWIS Data Collection Kindergarten PBS Project WV School Based Mental Health
We often overlook Supervision Core TEAM responsibilities Expectations TEACH Keeping up with staff turnover The DATA
Additional supports Book studies for new hires Book studies for classroom environments Resources for principals/leadership Computer/cyber concerns Using the SWIS data –sharing Supervision Training