+ Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports Lilja Elementary School Respect. Responsibility. Kindness. Engaged Learning
+ Lets define our terms PBIS/PBS/SWPBIS: interchangeable terms Evidence based: identifying what works based upon the best available research and experience (how do we know it works?) Fidelity: accuracy of reproduction, staying true to the model Sustainability: the capacity to endure over time Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ Environments that support student achievement and appropriate behavior use a core curriculum and are implemented with consistency and with fidelity. Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ Big Goals of School-wide PBIS Maximize impact of instruction Build on positive school climate Establish a system of consistency throughout the school – non- classroom and classroom settings Decrease dependence on reactive disciplinary practices. Improve supports for students with emotional and behavioral challenges. Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
4 PBS Elements SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Student Behavior OUTCOMES Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement Supporting Decision Making Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ Positive Behavior & Intervention Supports Lilja Lion Pride: The mission of Lilja School is to create a supportive, inclusive community that inspires everyone to be learners, reach their full potential, and become respectful, empowered citizens.
+ Universal Targeted Intensive All Some Few A Continuum of Support for All Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ Universal Targeted Intensive Continuum of Support for ALL “Molly” Dec 7, 2007 Social skills Art Reading Self-regulation Basketball Math Label behavior…not people Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ Common Features at All Levels 1. Team based decision making – a small group of dedicated people committed to establishing and monitoring a system of supports. 2. Consensus between school administration, staff, families and community partners around the use of proactive strategies. 3. Data is used to monitor the effectiveness of intervention and to guide decision making. Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ Kinds of Data Office discipline reports Behavioral incidents Attendance Suspension/Detention Observations Self-assessments Surveys, focus groups Etc. Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
Office Referrals by Time Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
Office Referrals by Student Student # Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
Office Referrals by Problem Behavior Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
Office Referrals by Location Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
Office Referrals by Month Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ Primary PBIS Interventions 3-5 simply stated behavioral expectations Procedures for teaching, reminding, and acknowledging appropriate social behavior. Regularly scheduled, efficient meetings that are guided by an agenda. Sharing of data that guides interventions and reveals successes. Procedures for consensus building.
+ School-Wide Behavioral Matrix Defines the Expected Behaviors for Specific Settings. hallways, classrooms, gym, cafeteria, commons, bus loading, bathrooms, assemblies, playground Creates the “Curriculum” that will guide the teaching of expected behaviors. Enhances communication among staff and between students and staff. Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ Lilja School Core Values Respect Kindness Responsibility Engaged Learning
+ Teach Behavioral Expectations Transform broad school-wide expectations into specific, observable behaviors. Use the Expectations by Settings Matrix Teach in the actual settings where behaviors are to occur Teach (a) the words, and (b) the actions. Build a social culture that is predictable, and focused on student success. Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ Acknowledging Appropriate Behavior Effective strategies are.. Clear and specific Contingent on desired behavior Applied immediately Teacher initiated Focus on improvement and effort Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ Positive Behavior Reinforcement
+ Science of behavior has taught us that students…. …are NOT born with “bad behaviors” …do NOT learn when presented contingent aversive consequences... DO LEARN better ways of behaving by being taught directly & receiving positive feedback….consider function Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ If many students are making the same mistake: look at the system and consider making effective changes Start by teaching, monitoring and acknowledging….before increasing punishment Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ School Leadership Teams Teams meeting regularly to: Determine if PBIS practices are being used Determine if PBIS practices are being effective Identify the smallest changes that are likely to produce the largest effect Review their data Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ Typical Functions of the School-based Leadership Team 1. Meets regularly & follows a meeting agenda 2. Develops 3-5 school-wide expectations 3. Creates visuals to advertise expectations 4. Develops a behavioral matrix 5. Creates and distributes “cool tools” 6. Designs and sets up building reinforcement system 7. Shares data with staff 8. Assists administration in developing a continuum for managing behavior 9. Cheerleaders for PBIS in the building Wally, Martha. "Positive Behavior Interventions and Sup." 11 Oct
+ 4E & 4K Presentations
+ References Martha Wally. PBIS Presentation. 7 October