So You’re An Officer… Have ENTHUSIASM for your organization. Command the RESPECT of the other members. Have a pleasing PERSONALITY. Have the ability to WORK WITH PEOPLE. Have a KEEN INTEREST in the organization’s purpose and a strong faith in its future. Know PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE
Have SUFFICIENT TIME for the office. Be able to EXPRESS YOURSELF effectively. Be willing to work and ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY. Be a good student and a WORTHY REPRESENATIVE of your school. THINK AHEAD – PLAN AHEAD – BE A LEADER !!
Responsibilities of All Organization Officers Be informed about the organization – know the purpose, goals, colors, etc. Develop a personal program of work. Work closely with sponsor/adviser on all organization plans and activities. Attend all organization and executive board meeting. Be cooperative and dependable; assume responsibilities and carry through.
Represent the organization well and be an example to other members with grooming, manners, speech, promptness. Become familiar with local, state, and national bylaws. Become familiar with state and national publications. Work Closely with other officers, committee chairmen, and members in carrying out the program of work.
Know and use correct parliamentary procedure. Be diplomatic and democratic in working with others. Develop folder of materials concerning duties that can be given to successor. Be prepared to give report of activities. Be enthusiastic about organization responsibilities. Advertise the organization at every opportunity.
President Presides over and conducts meetings according to accepted parliamentary procedure. Keeps members on the subject and the subject with a time limit. Appoints committees and serves as ex-officio member. Represents the organization at special school events and before out-of-school organizations.
President Cont. Coordinates organization acvitivies by keeping in close touch with other officers, members, and adviser. Keeps organization work moving satisfactorily by following up on progress being made on all activities. Calls special meetings as needed.
Vice President Assists the president in the discharge of duties. Presides at meetings in the absence of the president. Is prepared to assume the duties and responsibilities of the president should need arise. Coordinates and guides the efforts of all organization committees; serves as an ex-offcicio member. Plans programs with all officers.
Secretary Prepares and reads the minutes of meetings. Assists the president in preparing the agenda for each meeting. Attends to official correspondence. Sends out and posts meeting notices. Counts and records votes when taken. Prepares organization reports. Keeps permanent records of the chapter.
Secretary Cont. Maintains accurate membership roll. Reads communications at meetings. Brings to each meeting the secretary’s book, minutes of previous meeting, lists of committees and committee reports, copies of local, state, and national programs of work, copies of the constitution and bylaws, and copies of the state and national handbooks.
Treasurer Receives and acts as custodian of chapter funds. Collect dues. Keeps financial records neat and correct. Is responsible for recording the deposit of funds with designated school official and the withdrawal of funds for authorized payments. Makes suggestions for appropriate activities. Encourages systematic savings. Attends all organization meetings and presents a financial report at each meeting.
Reporter Develops media lists for organization mailings. Gathers and classifies all chapter news. Prepares articles for publication in local, state, and national media. Develops a working relationship with local media personnel and supplies them with organization news that may interest them. Assists in planning and arranging organization exhibits.
Historian Maintains an accurate and up-to-date history of the organization. Serves as the organization photographer. Files clippings, pictures, etc., on all organization activities and maintains all records related reports required by organization’s state and/or national offices.
Parliamentarian Assists organization members in understanding the basic purpose of parliamentary procedure. Advises the presiding officer and other organization members on parliamentary procedure. Has reference materials relating to parliamentary procedure available for each meeting. Watches for significant irregularities in procedure at organization meetings and calls them to attention of the presiding officer. Is prepared to explain any irregularity and its effect on the right of chapter members.