The Lisbon Strategy Liceo Scientifico A. Einstein Classe 5B A. s. 2006/2007
Since its foundation in 1957 the UE has made huge stride forward: Big enlargement (27 member states) Introduction of the Euro in 2002 Signing of the Constitution Progress towards a common area of Justice and Security First stages of European Defence Police
The employment rate is too low The services sector is underdeveloped, especially in the areas of the Internet and telecommunications Skills gap in information technology and many jobs remain unfilled
On 23rd March 2000 the European Council held a special meeting in Lisbon: A new strategic goal for the Union was agreed upon Undertake economic and social reforms Increase competitiveness and social cohesion
The main objective to be reached within 2010 : To become the most competitive, dynamic, knowledge based society in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion Face the challenges of the modern age characterized by rapid changes and globalization Gain full employment Promote economic growth Improve citizens’ quality of life Protect the environment
Analysis of the ineffectiveness: too ambitious and still distant objectives lack of commitment of some Member States Partnership for Growth and Job Union Action Programme and National Action Programme sets out how Europe can meet its growth and jobs challenge
It was agreed upon to focus on few priorities Three central concepts : More focus on growth and employment Simplification of reporting Mobilise support for reform through national action programmes
1) Transform Europe into a more attractive place to invest and work : Extend internal market Improve European national regulation Ensure open and competitive markets inside and outside Europe
2) Creating more and better jobs: Attract more people into employment and modernise social protection systems Improve the adaptability of workers and enterprises and the flexibility of labour markets Invest more in human capital through better education and skills
3) Promote knowledge and innovation for growth Increase and improve investment in Research and Development Facilitate innovation and uptake of ICT Sustainable use of resources
The speed of technological changes requires developing a culture of long-life learning It is thus necessary 1) Improve EDUCATION 2) Promote SCIENTIFIC REASEARCH 3) Introduce a new and flexible syllabus at school and at university
Access to the Internet and multimedia resources in all schools Teachers must be provided with multimedia resources skills, constantly trained and updated new teaching methods that require the use of ICTs should be introduced at school students should be provided with ICT skills and taught effective use of the Internet. Why is this fundamental ? - Modern economy is based on the use of infomation technology - the use of ICTs is essential to take advantage of on line services, opportunities offered by E–commerce, e-learning, to find a job, to find specific information.
Promote foreign language learning : Every European citizen should study at least two foreign languages Increase the number of English lessons to achieve better language training Foreign language syllabus should include modern and scientific topics Promote European education programmes ( Socrates and L. da Vinci)) Enhance communication between schools, teachers and families Enable teachers to teach subjects like Maths, Science, History in English
In order to become the most competitive knowledge-based economy it is fundamental to enhance European research: Research activities at Union level must be better integrated and coordinated Invest, at least, 3% of PIL in research Offer attractive career opportunities to young talents to keep them in Europe Remove obstacles to the mobility of researchers in Europe
The renewed Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs is beginning to deliver results: Increase in growth : expected rate of 2,7% in 2007 Seven million new jobs have been created Potential increase in the employment rate from just under 64% to 66%
CON The renewed Lisbon agenda is essential for the European Union : Face the global competition Solve the problem of unemployment Assure economic growth and wealth by means of better knowledge