Report on the Seminar “Migrant Women, Boys and Girls” (San Salvador, February 2000). Elizabeth Cubías, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Event carried out in February 2000 within the framework of the topic of “Migration and Development” of the Action Plan of the Regional Conference on Migration Organized by the Canadian Government and the Salvadoran Government, with support of International Organization for Migration Objective: To share best practices and experience in order to formulate recommendations for specific actions
The Seminar Close to one hundred participants from all RCM member countries Representatives from government entities, civil society, and the academic world Analysis of needs and challenges Formulating specific actions and recommendations
Methodology Panels and work groups to analyze the following core thematic components: 1. Regulatory Framework 2. Access to Services 3. Employment Conditions 4. Human Rights 5. Cultural Problematics
General Recommendations To carry out studies to identify conditions of migrant women, boys, and girls in the region To incorporate statistical data on migration in population censuses or surveys To coordinate actions among governments and civil society to effectively address challenges
Specific Recommendations relating to Migrant Women In accordance with the five core thematic components
Regulatory Framework 1. To ratify international agreements relating to the topic of migrant women and to establish monitoring and follow-up mechanisms with participation of civil society 2. To improve conditions in detention centers for migrant women and deportation conditions taking gender and family links into account 3. To penalize trafficking in persons, to carry out prevention campaigns and to promote denouncement of trafficking in persons
Access to Services To improve access to services for migrants To disseminate basic services in matters of health, education, housing, food (with support from international organizations and civil society) To carry out a study on social needs and services being provided to migrant women, boys, and girls
Human Rights Recommendations for governments: 1. To implement social reintegration projects for returned or deported women 2. To improve coordination and control mechanisms among government entities that address the topic of migration 3. To improve information exchange with other sectors
Human Rights Recommendations for international organizations: To support comprehensive development programs in countries of origin through alternative development projects
Employment Conditions To harmonize migration policy and procedures To ratify the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families To establish agreements between countries of origin and countries of destination To channel funds to improve employment conditions in both countries
Cultural Phenomenon To strengthen the celebration of Migrants’ Week, with an emphasis on conditions of women, boys, and girls To incorporate the topic of migration in education curricula