International Organization for Migration Cluster Approach Guidelines
Preparedness in the 50’s
Hungary Czechoslovakia Chile Vietnamese Boat People Kuwait Kosovo and Timor Asian Tsunami Pakistan Earthquake Darfur Crisis, Sudan Major Events Migration Agency
In offices in 138 countries
-Explaining the cluster approach to staff of IOM both in emergency and non-emergency missions -Provide support to staff operating in the cluster approach, clarifying responsibilities of IOM as: - Cluster coordinator - Cluster partner - Guidance valid for different clusters (mainly CCCM and Shelter)
Increasing preparedness
- When to convene the first cluster meeting? -How to participate in the different coordination mechanisms? - What areas should be covered during a cluster operation? - What are the main information management challenges? - What tools are available? - How to monitor cluster activities and overall cluster performance?
- How to balance coordination and implementation?
Phase 1 – Production of initial draft Phase 2 – Internal review Phase 3 – Finalization of first version Phase 4 – External input Please contact