Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN The Urban Dimension in Future Cohesion Policy Urban content of the regulations and the Community strategic guidelines Rudolf NIESSLER Urban Actions Unit Directorate-General for Regional Policy European Commission
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN General Regulation Art 25 NATIONAL STRATEGIC REFERENCE FRAMEWORK It shall specify: the thematic and territorial priorities, including for urban regeneration and the diversification of rural economies and of areas dependent on fisheries;
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN General Regulation Art 36 Operational programmes financed by the ERDF shall contain in addition for the “Convergence” and the “Regional competitiveness and employment” objective: a).. b) information on the approach to the urban issue, including the list of cities chosen and the procedures for sub-delegation to urban authorities, possibly by means of a global grant;
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN Article 8 ERDF Regulation Urban dimension 1. In the case of action involving urban regeneration as referred to in Article 25(4) a) and 36(4) b) of Regulation (EC) No (…), the ERDF shall support the development of participative, integrated strategies to tackle the high concentration of economic, environmental and social problems affecting urban agglomerations. This may combine the rehabilitation of the physical environment, brown-field redevelopment, and the preservation and development of the historical and cultural heritage with measures to promote entrepreneurship, local employment and community development, as well as the provision of services to the population taking account of changing demographic structures.
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN Article 8 ERDF Regulation Urban dimension 2. By way of derogation from Article 33(2) of Regulation (EC) No (…), the ERDF funding of measures under the “Regional competitiveness and employment” objective falling within the scope of Regulation (EC) N° (…) on the European Social Fund shall be raised to 15% of the priority concerned.
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN Community Stategic Guideleines: Chapter 5.1: The contribution of cities to growth and jobs Three thematic priorities + governance 1.promote the knowledge economy and employment creation 2.regenerating distressed urban neighbourhoods and combating social exclusion 3.improving the urban environment and physical regeneration 4.longer term development plans and local participation / cities - metropolitan areas - regions other chapters: several points refer to cities or urban development (environment, transport, etc.)
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 1. Promote the knowledge economy and employment To promote entrepreneurship, local employment and community development, as well as the provision of services to the population. Attracting very highly skilled personnel is also important (with measures regarding accessibility, high quality education, the supply of cultural services and opportunities for RTD and innovation).
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 2. Multiple urban deprivation requires a participative, integrated approach Account needs to be taken of problems of social exclusion, high and rising crime rates, and the general worsening of the quality of life in deprived urban areas. Support should focus on the development of participative and integrated strategies capable of tackling the high concentration of economic, environmental and social problems affecting urban areas
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 2. Fight social exclusion In the light of the often deep-seated problems of social cohesion, actions are important that strengthen security, promote economic, social and cultural integration of the least favoured, fight discrimination, and improve the availability of, and access to, key services.
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 3. Physical regeneration and the urban environment Action supported include those to rehabilitate the physical environment, redevelop brown field sites, and preserve and develop the historical and cultural heritage, regeneration of public spaces and industrial sites to create the infrastructures necessary for sustainable economic development.
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 4. Longer term planning is a precondition for success The preparation of a medium to long-term development plan for urban regeneration is generally a precondition for success by ensuring the coherence of investments and of their environmental quality. This will also help to ensure the commitment and participation of the private sector in urban renewal.
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN Commission Staff Working Paper Cohesion Policy and Cities: the Urban Contribution to Growth and Jobs in the Regions Purpose: further develop and concretise the urban chapter in Community Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion Policy (CSG) Status of document: Working paper of Commission services Discuss the document with Ministers responsible for urban affairs in Bristol 6/7 December Consult with member states and European Institutions Incorporate findings in final version of CSG