The developer. “Today, nearly every significant enterprise innovation requires innovative software.” * *GARTNER Agenda Overview for Application Development, 2014, Ian Finley, Thomas E. Murphy, Jim Duggan, Mark Driver, Gordon Van Huizen, Nathan Wilson, David Mitchell Smith, Matthew Hotle, Joe Bugajski, Brian Prentice, Ray Valdes, Ross Altman, Richard Marshall, Van L. Baker, David Norton, 9 January 2014 Who is more important to the enterprise than ever?
Little or no authentic connection to end consumer Customer/Client Systems of engagement (SoE)Systems of record (SoR) Mobile experiences Cloud backend Monolythic LOB apps On-premises
Browser-based applications Visual Studio tools for Apache Cordova Visual C++ for cross-plat Win32 Desktop apps – WPF Universal Windows Apps.NET
.NET and Xamarin C# + XIB C# + AXML C# + XAML Native UI
Cordova tooling in Visual Studio Hybrid-HTML apps Cordova tooling in Visual Studio Black Box
Microservices “Any organization that designs a system will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure.” – Melvyn Conway, 1967 Source: Martin Fowler - Microservices paper
.NET and microservices Next gen JIT, SIMD Runtime components Compilers.NET Compiler Platform Languages.NET Core 5 Libraries.NET Framework 4.6 Libraries Libraries Distributed with Windows Large footprint for server and client applications No side-by-side.NET Framework.NET Core Distributed with every app Cross-platform Side-by-side
IT Admin Developers Your Datacenter VMs in dev & test environment
Developers IT Admin
Runtimes + Languages.NET (C# / VB) HTML/JS C++ Others Tools Others Code