Silicon Track Trigger Status report 7 Oct (Horst D Wahl) l funding l ongoing activities l what next? l schedule l Webpage of STT group: – --- has links to other relevant pages at Boston U., Stony Brook, Columbia Outline:
STT Funding History (chapter 1999) l 15 October 1998: PAC at Fermilab: Committee sympathetic, but want more information l 5 January: submit addendum to proposal to PAC l 15 January 1999: PAC at Fermilab: PAC grants stage I approval l 15 February 1999: submit MRI proposal to NSF (consortium of four universities: Boston U., Columbia U., Stony Brook, FSU) l March 1999: submit STT proposal to DOE (same consortium of four universities: Boston U., Columbia U., Stony Brook, FSU) l June 1999: NSF funds project at 1.1 M$ (requested 1.3M$, with ~0.5M$ matching from universities (BU, CU, SB, FSU) and foreign collaborators (Nijmwegen, IN2P3)) DOE promises to make up for missing money (~250k$) l October 1999: money becomes available, subcontracts being issued
Recent and ongoing activities l examined alternate designs –L1 DFE board option: use standard L1 digital front-end boards for STT implementation -- conclusion: cannot use DFE board as is (board too small -- only 6U), but adopt some features; in particular adopt concept of same motherboard for all parts of the STT l studies of track fitting: –optimize tracking algorithm for time and efficiency –strategy for picking hits in CFT roads (have to go through all hit combinations?) –timing studies in different implementations (integer DSP, floating point DSP, Alpha, Altera 10k..) –have finished implementation in Altera 10k100; too slow -- now investigate possibility of using integer algorithm to gain speed
Ongoing activities, cont’d l queueing studies: –now use Ptolemy, since RESQ not supported; –first studies confirm results previously obtained with RESQ –detailed timing specifications formulated -- will allow further refinement of model for more realistic simulation –questions to be answered: iidentify potential bottlenecks in data flow through the trigger iadditional buffering needed, and where? l link with L1CTT: –influence of truncation (limit on number of tracks reported) on efficiency –how to minimize number of duplicate tracks in broadcasting –develop code for FPGA on L1CTT-to-L2STT broadcasting board
Ongoing activities, cont’d l Trigger simulation: –main package, input, output, clusterfinding done and implemented –hit filtering and track fitting exist as stand- alone packages, to be implemented into package –vertex finding package to be designed –presently only one clustering algorithm implemented -- other possible algorithms to be included to allow comparative performance studies
Engineering design l real engineering design work started few months ago l decisions taken recently: –use standard 9U VIPA crates –common motherboard for all of STT –daughter cards provide functionality for data receiving, transmitting and processing –use point-to-point links (LVDS) for fast data flow within STT –input from SMT and L1CTT over G-link via VTM (D0-CDF standard) –Cypress hotlink for output to L2CTT –propose to use PCI bus for data transfer on motherboard l detailed specifications of STT data links, data flow, protocol in progress l have conceptual design of clusterfinding logic, studies of clustering algorithms underway l VHDL coding of clusterfinder and hitfilter for STC in progress
Trigger simulation l components designed, implemented and released: –tsim_L2STT (main package), –getSMT_FE ( read out for the input chunk from the SMT front end –getFT_L1 ( read out for the input chunk of CTT L1) –doClustering ( calculate clusters from SMT hits by using one possible clustering algorithm) –fillNtuples ( fills local STT Ntuples that can be directly integrated into the Ntuple Maker) –fill_L2STT ( creates the L2STT output chunk ) l testing of implemented code: –used MC events (t tbar with superimposed min. bias events) to test package, and in particular cluster algorithm performance
Trigger simulation, cont’d l components designed and developed as standalone programs (to be implemented in package): –doRoads ( associates SMT clusters into 'roads' defined from CTT tracks ) –doTrackFitting ( reconstruct STT tracks from the SMT clusters in roads) l components to be designed and implemented: – doVertexing (reconstructs Z vertex from Z clusters ) l other things to be done: –implement other cluster algorithms –do performance studies
Monitoring l Levels of monitoring: – STT internal monitoring: this monitoring capability must be foreseen in the design of the STT hardware; try to use/copy/modify existing monitoring plans (e.g. for central tracker read-out system) –Level 2 global on DEC Alpha in L2 global crate: adapt standard L2 tools, but in hardware design must foresee relevant information to be available to L2 global –Level 3 under Windows NT: code to be developed, adapting standard L3 tools –Online monitoring using EXAMINE: code to be developed –Offline batch monitoring: code to be developed
D0 STT project l Present participants : –Boston University: Ulrich Heintz (f), Meenakshi Narain (f), Bill Earle (e), Eric Hazen (e), John Yook (s) –Columbia University: Hal Evans (f), Bill Sippach (e), Georg Steinbrueck (p), Maurice Leutenegger (s) –Florida State University: Stephan Linn (f), Harrison Prosper (f), Horst Wahl (f), Sailesh Chopra (p), Silvia Tentindo-Repond (p), Brian Connolly (s), Roberto Brown (s), (Simon Foo (f)) –Stony Brook: John Hobbs (f), Wendy Taylor (p), Chuck Pancake (e) l Tentative schedule: –Nov specification complete –March 2000: first prototype –Oct 2000: 2nd prototype –March 2001: production begins –June 2001: production complete
What next l For next engineering meeting (19 Nov): –Finalize and sign off on motherboard design –finish cluster finder and hit filter –optimize + finalize track finding algorithms, decide on processor –sign off on data transmission protocols –make sure that tools for testing, monitoring, in situ diagnostic are foreseen in design –make sure we understand all quantities (e.g. alignment info, beam position,…) that need to be available to trigger, provide for their downloading and storage l need more MC events for more physics studies (need disk space!) –study influence of misalignment –get good understanding of efficiencies –influence of algorithm choice l specify other tasks (e.g. beam position monitoring, alignment,..), and identify manpower for them l bimonthly engineering workshops, last 24 Sept, next 19 Nov.