Southern Ocean Carbon Synthesis Mario Hoppema, Marta Alvarez, Dorothee Bakker, Steven van Heuven, Masao Ishii, Bob Key, Nicolas Metzl, Claire Lo Monaco, Aida Rios, Chris Sabine, Bronte Tilbrook, Anton Velo
Southern Ocean here defined as region south of 30°S 3 sub-regions: Atlantic : 70°W – 30°E Indian : 30°E – 120°E Pacific : 120°E – 70°W In the Pacific sector strong cooperation with the Pacific Synthesis PICES group. Partly same members (Chris Sabine, Bronte Tilbrook, Masao Ishii, Bob Key)
Until now: 22 new cruises in the Southern Ocean About 10 more cruises to follow Also: 46 cruises from GLODAP as “master cruises” However, the uncorrected/not adjusted cruise data are used.
Southern Ocean: Region with least data Few repeat sections 231 Cross-over points, including those with “GLODAP” cruises (but more in the near future)
Summary of offsets for the SO Atl-Sector
Preliminary adjustments after applying inversion method