Pop Art American Art in the 1960s
Do you know who she is? Why is this painting so popular? That’s Pop Art!
Taking everyday objects and turning them into art is what the Pop Art movement was all about.
Andy Warhol was the leader of Pop Art
Andy began his art career by doing illustrations for magazines and cards and even designed window displays. Andy began his art career by doing illustrations for magazines and cards and even designed window displays. Andy was always coming up with new ideas in hopes of becoming famous. Andy was always coming up with new ideas in hopes of becoming famous.
What makes a banana great art?
Muhammad Ali was like Tiger Woods is today- the most famous athlete in the world. Why would Andy Warhol choose to paint him? If you were a pop artist today, who would you paint? Why? Muhammad Ali was like Tiger Woods is today- the most famous athlete in the world. Why would Andy Warhol choose to paint him? If you were a pop artist today, who would you paint? Why?
Roy Lichenstien was another famous Pop Artist
Roy Lichenstein’s best ideas came from bubble gum wrappers, comic books and newspaper ads. Roy Lichenstein’s best ideas came from bubble gum wrappers, comic books and newspaper ads.
Kindergarten Pop Art Animals!
1 st Grade Pop Art Advertising!
2 nd Grade Pop Art Portraits!
3 rd Grade Coke Can in CLAY! in CLAY!
4 th Grade Pop flowers in print!
5 th Grade Pop Art Collage
I want you to get started on some Pop Art!