Differentiated Instruction 101 Grant Beacon Middle School Professional Development Janet Draper
Why DI? students work up to their potential & pursue their interests teachers proactively plan targeted instruction, fits well with RtI, TLC, LEAP teachers stay up to date with demands of the profession collaborate, use 21st century tools, master teacher
DI 1.Concept-based learning 2.Meets students’ diverse needs 3.Fits with new standards and curriculum
What is DI? Vary: content pace products
Before starting DI Know your students – interests, abilities, skill levels, strengths
Besides your students know your curriculum - content = unit objectives & your goals - pace - extensions
Organize to adjust content, pace, depth
Plan to differentiate
What will students do? a.students master concepts b.extensions c.interests d.or alternative work
How do I know what to vary? 1.I know my students, unit objectives, and target completion dates. 2. Use pre-testing, compacting, other strategies to allow advanced students to outpace normal expectations.
DI strategies #1 Pre-testing Compacting Choice grids (TTT=think tac toes) Contracts and Study Guides Learning centers Cubing activities/Tiering Integrate technology
DI strategies #2 Research/independent study Students as producers Students produce learning stations Inquiry-based specializations Students’ self-assessments Flexible grouping Choice with conferencing or mentoring
Concept-focused Higher level thinking Novelty Depth Complexity Extensions Real-world problems and solutions Multiple materials
Experts Susan Winebrenner-Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom Bertie Kingore – Differentiation: Simplified, Realistic, and Effective Carol Ann Tomlinson - How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed Ability ClassroomsHow to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed Ability Classrooms
More experts Roger Taylor classes, online units Joseph S. Renzulli - The Multiple Menu Model: A Practical Guide for Developing Differentiated Curriculum Joseph S. Renzulli
Resources Roger Taylor units
Management tips Trust your judgment Communicate your expectations Inform parents, students, administration Establish norms: Home-base seat Silent periods Safety and mutually respectful conduct
Examples: Online at Math Art Language Arts Science History/Social Studies
Math DI strategies Most difficult first Contracts which allow ss to “buy” time Extensions related to unit concepts Flexible grouping Tiered groups or assignments Projects Open-ended assignments
Fahrenheit 451 choices grid Think Tac Toe Multiple intelligences Extensions Study guide Various products
Physics, grade 8 Pace Compacting Choices Extensions Independent or small group Re-join class for certain lectures
Math 1 Math – grade 5 Everyday Math Pi π and circle geometry Pre-test, movement, cubing, tiered activities and test questions
Visual Arts Self-portraits, writing, sound, published Collaboration between DoTS, Classroom teacher, and GT Itinerant Technology, integrated arts Independent work, tiering, creativity
Social Studies: Zoey’s Project Civil War Civil Rights
George Betts’ Lesson Planner for Critical Thinking RtI Tiered levels Ascending intellectual demand
Who needs DI? Student? Area of interest? Strength areas? Concepts! Pre-testing Compacting Extensions Choices