By Monica Palazuelos
Social Media – Blurred lines between journalists, their readers and organizations they cover. Companies and people discovered they could use social media to tell their stories directly to the people who were the most relevant to them. This was new and extremely powerful, and has been a factor in the relentless decline of daily newspapers and quality journalism.
Increased sensationalism and exaggerations online Changing fundamental values If we create business models that depend largely on page views, we should not be surprised if they drive publishers to favor content with a high prospect of 'going viral' over content that is primarily thought- provoking, challenging, discomfiting or even educational," –Paul Steiger
Challenges - In the last several years the percentage declines in revenue for TV, radio and print have been close to double or in some cases even triple the rates of decline in audience For the news industry to survive, it must do more to innovate new revenue models, not just wait for conventional display and banner advertising to grow. develop specialty or niche news products Pay walls Raising fees from aggregators Display and Banner Advertising Non-news products Solutions-
Honest and high-quality journalism, free from state control and political subordination, serving the interests society alone, merciless toward corruption and lawlessness, “ While the word can mean different things, journalists have an obligation to be as transparent as possible about the sourcing of their work.”-Paul Steiger