Changing face of journalism real life examples
Philadelphia Daily News – owners filed for bankruptcy Minneapolis Star Tribune filed for Chapter 11 Miami Herald – asking for donations from readers Detroit News – struggling Boston Globe – struggling et al... Philadelphia Daily News – owners filed for bankruptcy Minneapolis Star Tribune filed for Chapter 11 Miami Herald – asking for donations from readers Detroit News – struggling Boston Globe – struggling et al...
The headlines speak for themselves Regional papers are disappearing, becoming web-only, cutting swathes through the hard copy sections they offer – in a fight for survival
Go digital, seek buyer or close As print advertising vanishes so does profitability Go digital, seek buyer or close As print advertising vanishes so does profitability
Seeking donations from readers to sustain an online business readership model
Don’t post anything on a site that you would not feel comfortable about everyone seeing
Even the BBC realises that something seismic is happening and is starting to respond to the changes
Spot.Us funds investigative journalism via a crowd-sourced model likely to catch on around the world
Niiu is Europe’s first newspaper tailored to readers’ individual wishes Will more follow this model? Niiu is Europe’s first newspaper tailored to readers’ individual wishes Will more follow this model?
Publishing consortium developing an ‘online news stand’ A kind of ‘iTunes for magazines concept’ Publishing consortium developing an ‘online news stand’ A kind of ‘iTunes for magazines concept’
tweetdeck/?awesm=tnw.to_11VyF& The big news outfits are forced to adapt Instilling a social media mindset into its writers through access to tools they would have banned in the office one year ago The big news outfits are forced to adapt Instilling a social media mindset into its writers through access to tools they would have banned in the office one year ago
ondon Citizen journalism writ-large as bloggers and ‘readers’ dictate the content Plans are to eventually fund through advertising Citizen journalism writ-large as bloggers and ‘readers’ dictate the content Plans are to eventually fund through advertising
Actively encouraging readers to interact in real time through Google Wave Aim is to appeal to younger readers with disposable income Actively encouraging readers to interact in real time through Google Wave Aim is to appeal to younger readers with disposable income