The media landscape now includes the remediation of traditional areas as well as new areas Opportunities for graduates exist: social, digital and data roles within traditional media organizations media roles in tech companies media startups strategic innovation roles in all organizations- advanced social, seo, and analytics roles. changing media roles in the future
WHY? Prepare some students for range of jobs, new skills, perspectives; jobs that don’t exist yet Attract new kinds of students; address student demand Better address changes in media professions; collaborate with industry Package activities we are already doing well We can lead discipline; put spotlight on our activities and competencies Potentially attractive to funders; grant opportunities, contributors to School
DRIVING PHILOSOPHY Learning how to learn Grounded in storytelling Mix of conceptual and skills courses; not a purely vocational degree Problem-solving, innovation, entrepreneurial mindset Mix of in-person, flipped, online and hybrid courses Flexibility/adaptability in curriculum Experience learning elements
DIGITAL MEDIA INNOVATION MAJOR Same Core as Other Majors (12 hours) Combination of Digital Development, Social and Multimedia courses (15 hours) Required (6 hours) Web Publishing – includes elements of content, design, mobile, programming and multimedia Advanced Social Media and Analytics – strategy, research, content and analytics related to digital media careers; other courses could be developed to also satisfy this requirement. Choose Adv Coding or Multimedia option (3 hours): Adv Coding (one course): Coding and Data Skills or Mobile Development or Adv Multimedia (one course): Mobile Reporting/Multimedia Journalism or Documentaries or Visual Storytelling Workshops and Short Courses (3 hours) 3 hours from workshops or short courses Capstone (3 hours) Digital Innovation Capstone - Guest Speakers on innovation, technology, research and strategy; development project – 3 hour version of new class; or Digital Experience Project, like SXTXState
DIGITAL MEDIA INNOVATION MAJOR Electives (12 hours) Recommended 3 hours additional digital elective MC Electives 3 hours - one course in Intro to PR, Advertising, Writing for Elec Media, News Writing and Reporting I 6 hours in other advanced MC courses Other Internship, Practicum, Special Topics 1 hour Minor