Ideapreneurship-universal entertainment paradise
It is essentially a health measure. It is intended to protect public from water born diseases. Ideapreneurship-universal entertainment paradise
The activities that ideally should be included in the surveillance function are: Approval of new sources (including private owned supplies) Water-Shed protection Sanitary Surveys Monitoring Programs, including provisions for central and regional analytical laboratory services. Development of codes of practice for well construction, pump installation and plumbing. Inspection quality control in bottled water and eyes manufacturing operations. Ideapreneurship-universal entertainment paradise
Approval of the construction and operating procedures of water work, including: Disinfection of the plants and of the distribution system after repair or interruption of supplies. Periodic flushing program and cleaning of water storage facilities. Certification of operators Regulations of chemical substances used in water treatment. Cross connection control, Backflow prevention and leak detection control. Ideapreneurship-universal entertainment paradise
Sanitary survey Sampling Bacteriological surveillance Biological examination Chemical surveillance Ideapreneurship-universal entertainment paradise
It is an on the spot inspection and evaluation by a qualified person of the entire water supply system. Purpose - Detection and Correction of faults and efficiency. A Sanitary survey is essential for adequate interpretation of laboratory results. Ideapreneurship-universal entertainment paradise
Sampling of water should be done with aseptic precautions. Should be carried out by competent and trained Personnel in strict accordance with the methods and frequency of sampling prescribed in WHO guidelines or ICMR “ manual of standard for quality drinking water supply “ Ideapreneurship-universal entertainment paradise
Includes : Presumptive coliform test- Multiple tube method, confirmatory test, membrane filtration technique. Test for the detection of faecal spreptococci and Cl. Perfringens: provide useful confirmatory evidence of the faecal pollution of water in doubtful cases. Colony count Ideapreneurship-universal entertainment paradise
Multiple Tube method : This test is based on estimating the most probable number (MPN) of coliform organism in 100ml of water. The presumptive coliform count is obtained, the presumption being each tube showing fermentation contain coliform organism. The result may vary due to the presence of some other organism or combination of organism. Ideapreneurship-universal entertainment paradise
Confirmatory test : These are carried out to confirm the presence of coliform organism in each tube showing a presumptive positive reaction. Such confirmation is required in case of chlorinated water. Membrane Filtration Technique : Test for the presence of coliform organism. It is possible to found the colonies in this technique and obtain result faster than the usual multiple tube technique. Ideapreneurship-universal entertainment paradise
Colony Count : It provides an estimate of the general bacterial purity of water. A single count is of little value, but count from the same source at frequent interval might be significant. Earliest indication of contamination- Sudden increase in the colony count. Ideapreneurship-universal entertainment paradise
Water may contain plankton organism(algae, fungi, protozoa, yeast, rotifers, crustaceans, minute worms etc;) which produce objectionable taste and odours in water. They are an index of pollution. Degree of pollution is assessed qualitatively and quantitatively by noting the type and numbers of organisms prevailing in water. Ideapreneurship-universal entertainment paradise
It is assuming greater importance in view of industrial and agricultural pollutant finding the way into raw water sources. Basic Test- Test for PH, color, turbidity, chloride, ammonia, chlorine demand and residual chlorine. Regular measurement of chlorine residuals in supply may in part replace bacteriological surveillance. Test for iron and manganese are required when these substances influence raw water treatment. Complete chemical analysis for toxic metal, pesticides, persistent organic chemical, radioactivity. Ideapreneurship-universal entertainment paradise
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