Lu Dog Camps are designed to encourage players to develop basketball skills and strengthen sportsmanlike behavior.
Each day players practice ball handling skills including: left & right hands, behind-the-back, basic crossover, between-the-legs.
Lessons on proper footwork is probably the most valuable part of the camp. This will ensure good balance and readiness during future games.
Campers get a chance to compete on teams for weekly points that determine who participates in the championship game!
Through building basketball skills the campers develop self-esteem and confidence.
Each camper gets an equal amount of playing time to practice in team competitions.
The Money Game is a competition where hardworking campers are selected to blindly search for money!
Each day coaches highlight players that impressed them.
It’s true that campers learn a lot of basketball skills, but the greatest thing camp offers is a chance to build friendships with coaches and players!