INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP Supporting Common Assessments (Time for Common Assessments) © AZ Board of Regents, All rights reserved, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP Supporting Common Assessments (Time for Common Assessments) © AZ Board of Regents, All rights reserved, 2012.


 Facilitator / Introductions  Overview  Review norms and expectations  Review key processes focused on SUPPORTING  Review rigor / quality common assessments  Consider research-based critical behaviors of instructional leaders  Focus on the guiding question  Develop strategies to provide time for rigorous common assessments  Develop action plan of support OVERVIEW AND INTRODUCTIONS

Stay focused and fully engaged no competing conversations please Participate to grow share openly and monitor your listening Be a learner create your own meaning and application Get your needs met ask questions that benefit the group personal questions on breaks Housekeeping silence cell phones handle business later share ONE point …then next person

Student Achievement Teacher Quality Instructional Leadership ImplementingMonitoring Supporting CommunicatingAdvocatingPlanning INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP Core Component is Managed through Key Processes

Rigorous Curriculum: ambitious academic content provided to all students in all core academic subjects Rigorous Assessments: content, cognitive, & context Common Assessments: collaboratively developed, implemented, and interpreted RIGOR

QUALITY COMMON ASSESSMENTS Starts with Alignment Handout: Alignment

Supports participation in professional development that deepens teachers’ understanding of a rigorous curriculum. Secures the teaching materials necessary for a rigorous curriculum. Provides teachers with time to work on developing and strengthening the curricular program. Supports teachers to teach a curriculum consistent with state and national content standards. RESEARCH-BASED CRITICAL BEHAVIORS OF INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERS

By the end of this workshop… you will develop an ACTION PLAN focused on providing time for teachers to create rigorous Common Assessments aligned with Research-Based Critical Behaviors for Instructional Leaders. ACTION PLAN

How do instructional leaders provide time for teachers to create rigorous common assessments? TIME FOR COMMON ASSESSMENTS Guiding Question

 STEP ONE – Understand that YOU have to say… “YES” to some things and “NO” to other things It is about CHOICES!

 For any initiative/choice, you must consider how it may impact multiple areas…  using a systems thinking approach, each row represents an aspect or area within the system  Also, you must consider others’ perspectives and the effect on student achievement. Handout Consider the Impact

 For each aspect or area consider…  Impact - intended & unintended  Perspective – various positions  Would the impact be perceived as positive or negative? by …  Teachers, Students, Parents, Building Admin, Central Office  Why would people see the same impact results differently?  Effect on student achievement  Think critically about how student achievement will be effected. Are there any losses that could outweigh the intended gains? Handout Considering The Impact

Once you’ve considered the impact of each aspect or area, what you are willing to… Reorganize – what will you do differently? Reallocate – what will you point in a different direction? Delete – what will you stop doing? Handout Considering The Impact

Handout: “Finding Time” How will we provide time for common assessments? Idea# 6: Provide an extended lunch time for each team once per week Handout Finding Time

What do you think the possible impacts would be if you enacted this idea to create time for common assessments? Brainstorm at least three (3) impact ideas for Intended and Unintended for two (2) more aspects/areas, such as curriculum, instruction, etc. Share one idea with the table group

What do you think the possible perspectives for this idea to create time for common assessments? Brainstorm at least three (3) perspectives and their reaction… teacher, student, administrator, parent, etc. for two (2) more aspects/areas, such as curriculum, instruction, etc. Share one idea with the table group

What do you think the possible effects on student achievement would be if you enacted this idea to create time for common assessments? Brainstorm at least three (3) effects for student achievement for two (2) more aspects/areas, such as curriculum, instruction, etc. Share one idea with the table group

What are you willing to … Reorganize - Do differently? Reallocate - Point in a different direction? Delete - Stop doing all together? …in order to implement this idea? By table, brainstorm at least three (3) ideas for each: reorganize, reallocate, delete Select ONE idea to share with whole group

Now, as a Table Group… Choose ANOTHER idea from “Finding Time.” Start with Common Assessments on the “Considering the Impact” handout. Fill in each column, Impact, Perspective, and Effect List at least three (3) ideas for each consideration. When you are finished with Common Assessments, choose three more aspects or areas and fill in the columns for Impact, Perspective, and Effect. With ALL the evidence you have listed for your providing time idea, work through Reorganize, Reallocate and Delete. “Finding Time” Activity

As a Table Group, reflect on your “Considering the Impact” chart: Discuss what you think was the most significant aspect or area and why? From that aspect/area, what do you think was the most significant column? (Impact, Perspective, or Effect) and why? What do you think was the most significant strategy for implementation of your idea and why? Reorganize? Reallocate? Or Delete?

As a Table Group, reflecting on your discussions and “Considering the Impact” chart, be ready to share:  “Finding Time” idea chosen AND the most significant area/aspect (row)  Most significant column (impact, perspective or effect)  Most significant strategy (reorganize, reallocate, or delete)

 Look at Action Plan Handout  Research-Based Critical Behaviors  Focus on “Provides teachers with time to work on developing and strengthening the curricular program” :  What is the Current Reality?  What Ideas/Strategies will you apply? (Use Consider the Impact handout)  What are your Next Steps?  What additional data do you need?  Who will you involve in process?  What resources do you need? DEVELOPMENT OF AN ACTION PLAN Handout Action Plan

 Reviewing information in Current Reality, Ideas/Strategies and Next Steps…  Complete My Action Plan  Do WHAT?  By WHEN? DEVELOPMENT OF AN ACTION PLAN Handout Action Plan

 Looking at your ACTION PLAN  Consider the Guiding Question: How do instructional leaders provide time for teachers to create rigorous common assessment?  Pair / Share ONE strategy you learned today and how you plan to use it at your school. GUIDING QUESTION WITH FINAL REFLECTION 25

 Thank you for your engaged participation  Please complete “Participant Feedback” WORKSHOP CLOSURE