Central Primary Third Grade Welcome, parents!
Welcome Back!
Welcome to Third Grade! Mrs. Mertens 3A Mrs. Hranka 3B Mrs. Walsh 3C Mrs. Crow 3D Mrs. Hillegonds 3E Mrs. Fritz 3F
Grading 9 Week Grading Period Midterm: issued halfway via Parent Portal: access to your child’s grades Updated regularly If you do not have a password, contact school office. If graded work falls below 70%, resubmitted corrections will be accepted. The two grades will be averaged for a new score.
Communication Folder “ Communicator Folder ”: Please check this each evening for homework and notes, etc. Return to school every day. If lost, it will need to be replaced. Your child’s spelling list for the week needs to be kept in this folder. They will need to turn it in on Friday. If something is on the “Return to School” side, look it over, sign or complete and return. If it is on the “Keep at Home” side, please review with your child and keep it at home every day.
Our Goals To give your child the academic and social skills they need to progress to fourth grade. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. To help your child make new friends and discover new interests.
Class Subjects The subjects we cover during third grade are: Reading and Writing English Cursive Review: Zaner-Bloser Spelling Math Science Social Studies
Reading Third grade reading consists of the Storytown Reading Series along with several novels per year. They will be tested on reading comprehension from Storytown stories every other Friday along with 10 Robust vocabulary words. Please check that your child has appropriate reading material daily. AR and STAR testing
Stars and Cars Reading Comprehension In 3 rd grade reading curriculum will focus on “reading to learn” rather than “learning to read”. To help develop this emerging skill, we have incorporated the STARS and CARS curriculum which focuses on 12 comprehension strategies.
Book-It Program Pizza Hut September – December Read 4 books per month in their reading level. January – April Read 6 books per month in their reading level. Pass AR test for each book with a 70% or above
Spelling We are excited about a new curriculum for spelling based on the Words Their Way concept. Each week students will be learning a new phonics pattern. Students will be pretested on Monday which will determine their spelling list for the week. If a student misses no more than 1, they will focus on the challenge list for the week. If they miss 2 or more words, they will focus on the regular list for the week. In addition to the regular or challenge list, they will be tested on high frequency words and also application of phonics skill with “mystery” words each week.
Everyday Math Everyday Math is a the curriculum for K-3. This curriculum is aligned to the new Common Core Standards that will be fully implemented in school year. This is a spiraling program for continuous instruction of content. We will be using hands-on, authentic teaching with real-life experiences. Home links will be sent home for extra practice. These are to be completed and returned the next day.
Math Facts Mastery of math facts: Addition Subtraction Multiplication 0-9 This is an important skill! Spend min. each evening practicing with flashcards. CPS students have access to IXL math at home and at school to help practice math facts and math skills. Introduction of 0-9 division facts.
Science This is a graded subject! Study guides will be sent home at least two days prior to a test. We will also be incorporating project based assessments STUDY with your child! Bonus points will be rewarded for signed and returned study guides. Students will occasionally have a project to complete at home.
Social Studies This is a graded subject! However, grades are very limited because it is based on various forms of assessments and projects. We will be reinforcing authentic assessment and integration of technology.
Third Grade Awards Reading Award Book-it requirements or 40 chapter books per year (Sept. – April) with AR quizzes passed at 70% in their Reading Level. Math Award Math Award: master facts with 93% average on each operation. Quiz is based on mixed +/- and x/÷. Spelling Award Perfect Spelling = 100% all year. Spelling Award = 95% average per quarter
Specials Mr. Nelson - Music Mrs. Haight - Computers Mr. Eells - P.E. Mrs. Brod – P.E. Aide Mrs. Burhoe - Library
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: Be respectful and responsible. Be organized and follow directions. Be on time. Be prepared.
Homework Study spelling and high frequency words. Thursday of reading test week: Review for Friday reading test Study guides for Science tests when sent home. Read and log daily. (15-20 minutes per night) Practice math facts. Complete unfinished daily work. Review any daily work brought home.
Other Notes School starts at 8:30 A.M. If your child is late, please have him or her check in at the school office before coming to class. Medication will be administered by the school nurse. Label: child’s name, teacher’s name Send a note if your child has a change in transportation plans. PLEASE try to take care of changes first thing in the morning! The office must approve changes in bus transportation.
Feel free to contact your child’s teacher with any questions or contacts. All contact information is located on Central Website
Let’s have a great year!