OBJECTIVE Students will be able to identify the need to migrate west as well as Federal recovery initiatives put in place by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and how they affected farm practices.
WHERE DO WE EVEN START? Will anything stop the dust and start the rain? How do we help the farmer? Video: Dust Bowl Reform (4:43) What do you think: Will the Federal Action do any good -Can you think of any farm programs -Did they start in the 1930’s
TAKE A STEP BACK In 1929, Herbert Hoover was President Hoover did not think Government should do anything that affects the markets -Small government -Philosophy that the economy will correct itself -Focused on Big Business to solve the problem by creating jobs
CHANGING OF THE GUARD Franklin Delano Roosevelt Defeats Hoover in Massive Government Spending -New Programs -Re-invents Federal Government to Directly influence people -Jobs, Administration, CREATING the economy he wanted - A NEW DEAL is born FDR
WHAT ARE WE AFRAID OF -Roosevelt Needed a way to “sell” the nation on his plan -A powerful Speaker, he made an appeal Video: First Inauguration Speech (0:46) -The people loved it and were ready for change -They were ready for HELP
FDR’S NEW DEAL -FDR introduced so many new programs, each with an acronym. The Press coined the term Alphabet soup
AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF Created the AAA (Agricultural Adjustment ADMINISTRATION Foundation of all NEW DEAL farm programs -Gave authority to Federal Government to establish new programs -It was an Omnibus Program (if you don’t know, ask) -Pay Farmers NOT to grow -Direct payment to farmers for land. (Took it out of farming) -Educate farmers on proper tilling and crop rotation Do you think that any of this still goes on today?
SOIL CONSERVATION ACT OF 1935 Creates the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Hugh Hammond Bennett -Father of Soil Conservation -Deep background in Soil Research -FDR gives authority to Bennett to implement his research immediately. And gives him the power to created new administration and massive funding -Local control, every community set up soil conservation district -Congress unanimously passed legislation making water and soil conservation a nation priority and POLICY
TOMORROW Urban America in the Great Depression Two day lesson, much like the rural lesson - Exam in three days. Short answer and essay *Take reading guide for Urban America lesson on the way out
WORKS CITED John Steinbeck and the Grapes of Wrath. (2008, May 24). Youtube video. Retrieved March 28, 2013, from 's Immigration to California. (2009, May 22). Youtube Video. Retrieved March 21, 2013, from Economic Regulation. (2013, Feb 27). Youtube Video. Retrieved April 1, 2013, from Photographs and Graphics. (2013, April 1). Retrieved from National Archives: metro/washington/researcher-info.html#textual Posters. (2013, March 25). Retrieved from Posters for the People: F.D.R.'s First Inaugural Speech: Nothing to fear. (n.d.). YouTube Video. Retrieved March 5, 2013, from Garcia, J., Ogle, D. M., Risingler, C. F., & Stevos, J. (2005). Creating America: A History of the United States 1887 to the 21st Century. Evanston, Il: McDougal Littel. Great Depression Environment. (n.d.). Retrieved from shmoop: depression/environment.html Kopanezos, K. (Director). (2007). Stories from the Great Depression [Motion Picture]. U.S. National Archives. Retrieved March 6, 2013, from Rauchway, E. (2008). Great Depression and the New Deal: A Very Short Introduction (8th ed.). London: Oxford University Press. The Dust Bowl Reform. (n.d.). PBS Video. Retrieved April 2, 2013, from The New Deal. (n.d.). Retrieved March 8, 2013, from Authentic History: Vachon, J. (1938, may). Irwinville Farms, Georgia. Office of War Photograph Collection. Farm Security Administration (Library of Congress). Retrieved from