The Avro Arrow
In 1959, Prime Minister Diefenbaker canceled the Avro Arrow program. A Canadian company had developed the highly advanced jet fighter. It was said to be 20 years ahead of its time. Its cost was $12 million per plane, which Diefenbaker thought was too expensive. Some thought that fighter jets were out of date, because of advances made in missile technology, like the USSR's Sputnik. When the program was canceled, 15,000 highly skilled workers lost their jobs. Diefenbaker was criticized for dealing a fatal blow to Canada's aerospace industry. Prime Minister Diefenbaker The first satellite in space - Sputnik
The CIM-10 Bomarc Missile
BOMARC missiles were used as part of Canada's air defense. They were intended to destroy Soviet nuclear bombers before they reached their targets in Canada and the US. BOMARC missiles were generally useless unless they were armed with nuclear missiles. Diefenbaker seemed reluctant to allow nuclear weapons onto Canadian territory. Diefenbaker called an election over the issue in The Liberals, led by Lester B. Pearson, defeated Diefenbaker's Conservative and formed a minority government. Prime Minister Lester B Pearson.