Psychology in AI Artificial thinking, Structure of Intelligence,Personal Constract Psychology (PCP), Jakub Jura Philosophy Neuroscience Linguistics Anthropology Psychology Artificial Intelligence Engineering Psychology
What is Intelligence Ability to adapt, to shape and to select an environments. Higher form of organisation of cognive processes. General mental capacity of an individual consciously to adjust his thinking to new requirements of environment.
Structure of Intelligence Gardner multiple Intelligence 1.Linguistic intelligence 2.Logical-mathematical intelligence 3.Musical intelligence 4.Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence 5.Spatial intelligence 6.Interpersonal intelligence 7.Intrapersonal intelligence
Osgood’s Semantic Diferencial SD is the instrument for the measuring of a connotative meaning of concepts. Evaluation – Potency – Activity This subject is … ? Good Quick Ugly Blunt Solid Bad Slow Pretty Sharp Liquid
George Kelly ( ) Personal construct theory Personal Construct –Usefull concept, convenient fiction, transparent template. Way of description, evaluation, interpretation and explanation of the world. REP - role construct repertory test.A person’s processes are psychologically channelized by the way in which he anticipates events.
Personal Construct Our constructs determine our subjective reality. And we have no
REP Test Choice 5 persons which is significant for you. Father, mother, brother/sister, friend, partner, teacher, chief, schoolfellow etc.