Environmental Science SVN3M
What is the GOAL of this course? See Course Description: Syllabus BIG IDEAS: Background Information: What do we need to review/know so that the material covered in this course makes sense to us? Scientific Solutions: Current issues are complex, have a history, and hopefully positive future directions Waste Management: Discuss informed choices that can reduce and alter the waste we produce
Con ’ t Agriculture and Forestry: Discuss positive and negative consequences of our current management practices Conservation of Energy: Gr 11: energy production and consumption Human Health Issues: Discuss the positive and negative impact of environment personal choices on human health
Model What do we need to be Healthy? Cells Body/Person Family(ies) Community Municipality (5-7 involve industry, agriculture, business etc.) Province Country (7-8 involve global economy and environ issues) Global Community
GROUP ACTIVITY Using a large piece of paper, create a web which shows how each level of the model impacts the others. Draw and LABEL the connection arrows. Use one colour for positive, one for negative impacts Discuss where you would like to live in Ontario. Why? What features are you looking for in a healthy community? List the positive things you would look for and the negative things you would try to avoid Be prepared to report back to the larger group!
Unit I: Introduction Background information: What do we need to REVIEW What do we need to LEARN What do we need to UNDERSTAND Take a look at the units and SUGGEST some information that we might need to include in the introductory unit: (list on the white board)
Intro Unit Topics Elements A little carbon chemistry; carbon cycle Soil; soil science Water; water cycle Air; atmospheric chemistry Other: specific topics will come up in each unit
Course Format Most units will include a variety of activities including: Power point notes (one or two max) Video Portfolio Journal Lab activities Group activities Computer research and short presentations Article reviews (mostly read in-class) Guest speaker/field trip Review and Unit Test
Brainstorm Activity With your partner answer the following questions: What does the term environment mean? Are humans a part of the environment? How?
Our island: Earth Earth may seem enormous But it and its systems are finite and limited We can change the Earth and damage its systems Environment: all the living and non-living things around us – Animals, plants, forests, farms, etc… – Continents, oceans, clouds, ice caps – Structures, urban centers, living spaces – Social relationships and institutions
Humans are part of nature Humans depend on a healthy, functioning planet The fundamental insight of environmental science: We are part of the natural world, but we can also change it Our interactions with its other parts matter a great deal We depend completely on the environment for survival Increased health, longer lives, wealth, mobility, leisure But natural systems have been degraded by pollution, soil erosion, species extinction, etc. Environmental changes threaten long-term health and survival
Think-Pair-Share Activity What is Environmental Science?
Environmental science Environmental science is the study of: How the natural world works How the environment affects humans and vice versa We need to understand our interactions with the environment To creatively solve environmental problems Global conditions are rapidly changing We are also rapidly gaining knowledge The opportunity to solve problems is still available
Environmental science is not environmentalism Environmental science – Pursues knowledge about the environment and our interactions with it – Scientists try to remain objective and free from bias Environmentalism – A social movement – Tries to protect the natural world from human-caused changes
Career Exploration Activity
HW Journal Entry #1 Career Exploration Activity