Change Revision Approaches to Managing Change Styles of management and their effectiveness
Change Revision There are many different approaches to change management IT MAY DEPEND ON THE MANAGER Ability to apply management functions Delegation skills Communication skills Authority Leadership
Change Revision It may depend on the situation One-off crisis where speed is essential No time issues – allowing for consultation Need for 100% commitment
Change Revision Management Styles TOP DOWN – DIRECTIVE APPROACH Autocratic boss, makes all major decisions No discussion – not open to ideas Usually meets resistance USED IN CRISIS WHERE TIME IS IMPORTANT
Change Revision PROS AND CONS of directive approach ADVANTAGES Quicker – dismiss any opponents Cheaper – no consultation required DISADVANTAGES Resistance can be prohibitive Lack of ideas and input from staff Can often fail due to lack of staff commitment
Change Revision ACTION CENTRED Try various solutions to a problem Trial and error Use pilot schemes TAKES A GREAT DEAL OF TIME TO COME TO A FINAL CONCLUSION
Change Revision NEGOTIATED Good flow of communication up and down the organisation Try to use good ideas and opinions Participative style Meets less resistance
Change Revision PIECEMEAL INITIATIVES Change is implemented in small steps over a long period of time A great deal of time is taken People can get used to one change before another is implemented Slow progress Less insecurity
Change Revision PARTICIPATIVE Complete trust in the subordinates Teamwork and co-operation Worker participation Feedback and discussion common
Change Revision John Storey Management Styles Theory
Change Revision Ways of managing change:- TOTAL IMPOSED PACKAGE Top people plan and introduce a large change all at once without consultation Top managers have an overview lower levels may resist DOWNSIZING
Change Revision IMPOSED PIECEMEAL INITIATIVES Top people plan and implement changes to solve particular problems without consultation Lack of long term co-ordination QUALITY CIRCLES, FLEXITIME
Change Revision NEGOTIATED PIECEMEAL INITIATIVES Workers and management consult and agree on various changes as necessary No co-ordinated company-wide policy Like above but easier to implement PRODUCTIVITY AGREEMENTS
Change Revision Management and workers will meet to agree on how a major change in the organisation will be implemented Based on agreement – co- ordinated and coherent NEGOTIATED TOTAL PACKAGE
Change Revision CONSIDERATIONS: What is the vision for the organisation? How will you, as manager, lead the change? What changes will take place What about resistance to change?
Change Revision Good website