Application Process Boarding Schools, Prep Schools, Summer Programs, & Other Schools Abroad
Starting points Research! Research the schools that would be the best fit for YOU! Be Reasonable! Apply to an appropriate number of schools and/or summer programs. Plan Ahead! Plan ahead so you do not have to rush around at the last minute stressing both YOU and YOUR TEACHERS out.
Visit with your Counselor Bring to your meeting with Mr. Letiecq or Mrs. Regan: Your completed “Application and Recommendation Checklist” Al l printed copies of all recommendation forms for your teachers (be sure to fill out Student Information section) A printed and signed “school records request form”
After your counselor meeting You will take the printed recommendation forms to each of your teachers. Talk to teachers before you send them electronic forms. Ask adults very nicely to fill out forms. Give your teachers at least two weeks to complete forms/letters. Teachers will give all forms/letters back to your counselor
Recommendation Forms TEACHERS WILL NOT WORK ON RECOMMENDATION LETTERS OVER ANY BREAK TIME Students are responsible for: Monitoring deadlines. Following up with teachers if needed.
Sending off information All paper recommendations and records will be sent directly to school/program by your counselor. Counselors will inform you and your family when they have been sent. Records and recommendations will not be given back to you.
Mailing of Application SAS will mail your application China Post (SAS will pay) - takes 2 to 3 weeks for delivery DHL (family will pay the fee)- takes 2 to 4 business days. Pay first before we send.
Ways to say Thank You Teachers work hard. Recommendation letters/forms are above their call of duty. A nice thank you will suffice! Thank you card/note Starbucks Gift Certificate Return the favor. Help your teacher
Misc SAT Testing You can write the SAT at SAS Pudong Must have proof you are registering for boarding school/summer program that requires SAT scores. If you want to register for the SAT, you can register with the high school counselors. SSAT SAS Puxi is now an international test site Register online.
Questions? Please see Mr. Letiecq or Mrs. Regan if you have any questions