Why Should a Troop Consider a Venturing Crew? The Venturing program complements the Boy Scout troop. It adds exciting new advancement and leadership opportunities for your older boys. It allows flexibility, so boys can participate in both programs. Venturing can help solve many of the Scoutmaster’s challenges. Keeps older boys in Scouting! It meets the wants and needs of 14 to 21 year old young men. It provides a scouting program for daughters of scouting families.
Scoutmaster Challenges Scoutmaster Challenges Keeping 14 to 18 year old Boy Scouts “engaged” in the troop. Challenging older Boy Scouts, while at the same time, trying to attract and retain younger Boy Scouts. Competing with older Boy Scouts’ interests; cars, girls, high school. Providing leadership/role model opportunities to all older Boy Scouts. Giving younger Boy Scouts something to anticipate beyond the troop Consistently offering exciting program.
National BSA Statistics Average Boy Scout is 14 years and 1 month old Average Eagle Scout is 16 years and 2 months old Average Boy Scout attendance at summer camp is 2.8 years
Ages of Venturers National 2004 by age groups Total Venturers: 280,584
Venturing Gender Chart National 2004 (Excludes LDS)
What Does Venturing Offer Older Boy Scouts In A Troop? New advancement opportunities for boys interested in progressing beyond Eagle. New, exciting awards and recognition for boys out of the advancement loop. Activities with boys and girls their own age. New leadership skills training for all members. Venturers give leadership to the troop through the Ranger program, etc. A place to be an Eagle
How Does a Troop and a Crew Work Together? Boy Scouts ages 14 to 18 and adult leaders can be members of both units; primary registration in the troop and multiple in the crew. The crew meets separately from the troop twice each month and has occasional activities with the troop and many on their own. Venturers in the troop, (especially troop leaders) are expected to participate in both units. Venturers teach and provide program. One committee One calendar A crew should not appear to be competing with a troop!
Continued... Continued... Recruit an Assistant Scoutmaster or committee member to serve as Crew Advisor. Utilize existing merit badge counselors as consultants for the Ranger award & vice versa. Utilize troop advancement chair to help conduct crew reviews for the Gold and Silver Awards. Venturers can wear distinctive uniforming and maintain the same unit #. Younger Boy Scouts think of the crew as extension of the troop. Something to aspire to! Place for daughters and sisters to be active in scouting.
Co-education fosters mature, responsible and respectful relationships.
Character, Citizenship, Fitness The aims of the BSA’s 3 Programs Boy Scout Methods Boy Scout Methods Patrol Method Patrol Method Adult Association Adult Association Leadership Leadership Scouting Ideals Scouting Ideals Outdoors Outdoors Advancement Advancement Personal Growth Personal Growth Uniform Uniform Venturing Methods Venturing Methods Group Activities Group Activities Adult Association Adult Association Leadership Leadership Scouting Ideals Scouting Ideals High Adventure High Adventure Recognition Recognition Teaching Others Teaching Others
Frequently Asked Questions Can a Venturer earn Eagle? YES-once a Boy Scout has earned First Class and is eligible to join a Crew, he can join a Crew, earn merit badges and ranks in the Crew. Does a Venturer who is working on Eagle have to be multiply registered? NO – he can earn it exclusively in the Crew. Why is silver higher than gold? BSA Tradition, Bronze, Gold and Silver
Where do I find advancement requirements? The Venturing, Ranger, Trust and Quest Handbooks for Venturing awards, The Boy Scout Requirements Book for Boy Scout Ranks and Merit Badges. What is the difference between VENTURE and VENTURING? VENTURE is a patrol program within a Boy Scout Troop, with Boy Scout program advancement, methods, and guidelines. Venture Patrol members may not earn Venturing awards unless they are also registered in a Crew, and receive the awards through the Crew. VENTURING is a separate, distinct program with it’s own recognition, methods, and guidelines
What is Venturing’s official uniform? There is no official uniform for Venturing. “The uniform, if any, is the choice of the Crew”. There is a Green Venturing shirt available from BSA supply that may be chosen. Can a Venturer get past credit and multiple credit? Venturers do not get any credit for activities done prior to joining a Crew, except for Certifications such as Lifeguard, First Aid, etc. Once they join a Crew, all activities may be counted towards both their Venturing and Boy Scout recognitions/awards/ advancement.
Points To Remember- Scoutmasters created senior scouting as a way to keep older boys in the program back in the 20s. That same need is still here and the answer is Venturing, a program that traces it’s roots back to the senior scouting program of the 20’s. How can Venturing steal your older boys if the crew and the troop are partners? Have one committee. One calendar. Do things together.