Linoleum Printing Wood Cut
Requirements Must be original! Either your own idea from your head. Either your own idea from your head. A picture altered a minimum of 50%. A picture altered a minimum of 50%. No symbols! No symbols! Twins Twins Fox sports Fox sports Nike Nike Must be at least half (50%) carved
Carving Procedure Find 8 x 10 paper to create rough draft. Check with instructor if ideas is ok. Sketch your rough draft. Check with instructor if rough draft will work. Turn in rough draft for a grade. Darken rough draft with 6B pencil. Scribble back side of drawing with 6B pencil transferring image to linoleum. (Drawing faces down) Retrace transferred image with a Sharpie marker. Get linoleum carving tools and safety board. Always carve away from your hands and body to remove linoleum.
Inking Procedures Complete carving of linoleum. Check with your instructor if carving is completed. Get a inking tools. Plexi-glass Plexi-glass Ink Ink Brayer (roller) Brayer (roller) Spoons Spoons Spread ink to a crackle consistency on plex-glass. Spread ink on to linoleum in multiple directions. Place paper over linoleum marking registration spots. Rub (burnish) paper with a spoon. Repeat procedure with different colored papers & inks Clean all tools and materials used.
Mono-Print Multi-colored Suicide Print
Linoleum Tools Always carve away from your hands. Seek first aid if you get cut!
Inking the printing plate. Rolling The Ink Inking The Linoleum Placing Paper On The Printing Plate (Linoleum) Burnishing The Paper (Rubbing) We Use A Spoon To Burnish)