MS. SUHA JAWABREH LECTURE # 2 Oral Communication
Outline 1. What is oral communication? 2. Forms of oral communication. 3. Importance of oral communication. 4. The communication process. 5. Effectiveness of communication 6. How to achieve effective communication 7. Speaking activity # 2
What is Oral Communication? 1. What does ORAL mean? 2. What does COMMUNICATION mean? -According to Oxford Dictionary ORAL means: “ Spoken rather than written, verbal” “Relating to the mouth” :-And Communication means “The exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium” Therefore, oral communication is the process of understanding and sharing information, ideas and opinions by word of mouth.
Forms of Oral Communication -Oral communication can be either: 1. Informal 2. Formal - Examples of informal oral communication: Face -to-face conversations, telephone conversation, discussions at business meetings. -Examples of formal oral communication: Presentations at business meetings, classroom lectures.
Importance of Oral Communication 1. Improve your own academic performance 2. Increase your employment options
The Communication Process - The communication process is divided into three basic components : 1. The sender 2. The channel 3. The receiver - The sender first develops an idea, which is composed into a message and then transmitted to the other party, who interprets the message and receives meaning. - Developing a message is known as ENCODING - Interpreting the message is referred to as DECODING.
The Communication Model
Effectiveness of Communication - Effective communication occurs when the intended message of the sender and the interpreted message of the receiver are one and the same. - Barriers to effective communication: 1. A poor choice of communication method. 2. Noise and other physical distractions. 3. Language problems 4. Failure to recognize nonverbal signals
How to Achieve Effective Communication 1. Communication is a skill that requires PRACTICE! 2. Carefully prepare and present your message 3. Stay alert for any signs that your audience are mis- interpreting the message
Speaking Activity #2 For/ against A speaker has 30 seconds to talk 'for' a topic and then another 30 seconds to speak 'against' it. The topics are: 1. Money can buy you happiness. 2. Smoking cigarettes should be banned. 3. Fashion is important.