Disseminating and communicating statistics Jessica Gardner Statistician United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Demonstrate the relevance of data Increase demand resources “improve understanding of life in the United Kingdom, and enable informed decisions through trusted, relevant, and independent statistics ” Mandate is to inform
dissemination vs communication
disseminate –verb (used with object), -nat·ed, -nat·ing. to scatter or spread widely, as though sowing seed; promulgate extensively; broadcast; disperse. Dictionary.com
communicate –verb (used with object) 1. to impart knowledge of; make known: to communicate information. 2.to give to another; impart; transmit. Dictionary.com
communication dissemination
dissemination AND communication
Considerations Inform and initiate discussion Accurate information Independent and unbiased Guarantee confidentiality Consider vulnerable groups
media Newspapers Radio Television education programs lobby groups politicians Internet
clear and simple message
On their own, statistics are just numbers
Why should my audience want to read about this?
Who are you talking to?
Tourists Harvesters Miners
What’s the story? Technical report released today New survey results now available Publication now on-line The results and findings are the story
Identify a theme International days Year of the …. Current events Holidays Half-way to MDG deadline A series on “The way we live now”
8 MarchInternational Womens’ Day 22 MarchWorld Day for Water 15 MayInternational Day of Families 20 JuneWorld Refugee Day 11 JulyWorld Population Day 12 AugustWorld Youth Day 1 OctoberInternational Day of Older Persons 15 OctoberInternational Day of Rural Women 25 NovemberInternational Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Source:
Write like a journalist: “inverted pyramid style” Idea Dataset Analysis Conclusions Idea Dataset Analysis Conclusions
Poor: Latest figures on information technology usage show that in the 1st quarter of 2008, two thirds of Estonian population aged 16–74 used computers and the Internet, as in the previous year. Better: Two thirds of Estonian adults used the Internet in recent months.
Tables, charts or maps?
avoid using 3D charts
More information Jessica Gardner UNECE Statistical Division