1 M&V Cx Working Group Report New York City - M&V Summit Steve Dunnivant - Chair This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.
2 Objectives of Working Group Mainstream Use of Commissioning into DOE SuperESPC Projects Modify IDIQ Contract to address Commissioning Requirements Expected Completion - 4th Quarter 2004
3 Final Deliverable Commissioning content recommendations to be incorporated into revision of IDIQ contracts.
4 Current Status Commissioning DO Guidance currently in use on selected projects to identify potential project impacts and improvements Recent reviews show that ESCOs are participating in Cx
5 NORESCO/GSA Project DES Cx Plan Outline & Approach in Section III Site Mgt. approach Plan Outline –Overview –Approach –Procedures –Documentation
6 NORESCO/GSA Project DES Commissioning Specification –Introduction –General Requirements –Electrical –Pneumatic –Programming and Software –Mechanical & Physical
7 Alliant/Cogenex SSA (IP) Retro-Cx Plan (DES Phase) –Systems (Cooling, Heating, Lighting) & Outline of Project Steps –Cx Plan Requirements & Calibration & Maintenance Checks –Monitoring & Testing (Analyze Data) & Functional Testing –Final Commissioning Report (Contents) –Recommended Measures in DES Proposal –Roles & Responsibilities
8 Sempra/FDA-GSA White Oak Cx Provisions in DO-RFP (for base scope) Cx only to central utility plant FDA-GSA added Cx scope –Substation Failure req’d substation upgrade –Life Sciences Building (awarded) –CEDR Offices (award pending) Expanded EMS tie-ins to Cx & M&V
9 Accomplishments to Date Adopted Cx Provisions for DO-RFP Cx Provisions in use for selected projects Project Management Plan (PMP) updated (Fall ‘02) PMP Updated for Agency Witness (Spr ‘03) Cx Workshop for PF’s/ESCO’s (Spr ‘03) Project Mgt. Plan Updated ( Spr ‘03)
10 Planned Actions Review Draft ESPC Cx Guidelines - 1st Qtr FY04 Select Cx Pilot Project - 1st Qtr FY04 Standardize Cx Report Requirements 2rd Qtr FY04 Training of PF’s/ESCO’s - 3rd Qtr FY04 Provide IDIQ contract input (4th Qtr 2003)
11 Cx Workgroup Thursday Breakout Agenda Review & Discussion of Farnsworth Task 5 (Doug D) Results of Meetings & Discussions with ESCO’s (Farnsworth) Draft Guidelines - Outline of Cx Guidelines & Key Points (Farnsworth) Pilot Projects Discussion (Team)
12 Team Members - Thanks!! Agency - Labs - ESCO’s - Subs SylviaBerry-LewisHoneywell CynthiaBrockeyAPSES MichaelCrossHQ Air Force JerryCulbertSelect Energy CharlesCulp Texas A&M DougDahleNREL
13 Team Members - Cont... ChadDorganFarnsworth ChuckDorganFarnsworth JohnEvartsNoresco KristinHeinemeierTexas A&M MaxHoganNFESC MarcJeansonJohnson Controls JohnJohnsonConEd Solutions RogerJohnsonFarnsworth
14 Team Members - Cont.. ScottJudsonNORESCO VenkatKumarJohnson Controls Will LintnerDOE-HQ DarrylMatsuiNFESC Jay McCarroll APSES RobertMcMillinSiemens WilsonReynolds EME
15 Team Members - Cont.. BalajiSanthanakrishnanTexas A&M DaleSartorLBNL Margaret SeligHerlihy Corp TerrySharpORNL GarySneadTrigen MarkStetzNexant, Inc. DaveUnderwoodUSA CERL
16 Team Members - Cont.. Mark Vilchuck Chevron Energy Solutions Phil VossNREL LiaWebsterNexant, Inc. Yes - That’s 31! - Well actually 32 counting me...