Investeşte în oameni ! Fondul Social European PROGRAMUL OPERAŢIONAL SECTORIAL DEZVOLTAREA RESURSELOR UMANE POSDRU/87/1.3/S/62665 “Formarea continu ă a cadrelor didactice pentru utilizarea resurselor informatice moderne în predarea eficient ă a limbii engleze şi evaluarea la nivel european a competenţelor lingvistice”
Classroom Management
Classroom Management Goals A.Provide a productive, safe environment conducive to learning Organizing Physical Space: safety and arrangement of furniture; accessibility to learning and use of physical resources; create Classroom Seating Charts to prevent students from disrupting your class. Managing Student Behaviour: expectations; monitoring of student behaviour; response to student misbehaviour; Creating an Environment of Respect and Collaboration: good teacher-student/student-student interactions; teacher responds to students needs
B. Foster self-respect, responsibility, and empathy in students Respect: classroom interactions between students and teacher or between peers reflect respect for others. Responsibility: for their actions and school work Empathy
C. Spark enthusiasm for learning feel passionate about what you are teaching get students excited about their learning get students actively involved in their learning D. Identify the roles of the teacher and use them according to the nature of the proposed activities
E. Ensure Differentiated Learning having multiple learning modalities in one lesson using many lessons that concentrate on different learning modalities incorporate multiple learning styles in our classes(visual, kinaesthetic, etc.)
F. Foster Self-Directed Learning (SDL) Students express their opinions and provide suggestions regarding their own learning Self-improvement, personal development and the development of character -central themes of SDL Teaching emphasizes SDL skills, processes, and systems rather than content coverage and tests
G. Create a Learning Community Students support one another in group learning activities They show respect for multicultural and gender perspectives expressed by others A learning community - everyone is emotionally present The group learns how to listen Time for celebration - success is important everywhere
H. Encourage Collaborative Learning Teachers are expert designers of intellectual experiences for students. Centre on students’ exploration or application of the course material Benefits - get to know each other, rely on each other, positive interdependence, individual accountability, interpersonal skills, promotive interaction and processing
I. Challenge Students Academically Curriculum - if students are not academically challenged, they can become bored and off task All students want to feel that they are a part of the class Good teachers know how to challenge their students Learning has to be interesting, understandable and fun in order to keep the attention of students
STEP 10.1 HW: SIMULATED PROBLEM SOLVING Suggest solutions to the following classroom management problems: Norm Setting Problems Solutions 1.A student is excluded from participating in group work. 1.When making groups students are vocal towards those that they would like to be in a group with and those that they do not want to be with. They then chose not to work with anyone else besides their friends. 1.During group and class discussions there are students who do not participate and instead distract other students from learning by talking to their friends or else talking out. 1.The same students are always the ones who make sure the materials are picked up and put away at the end of class. 1.The class is broken into small groups for group work and is unproductive. 1.After a teacher’s attempt to get the class’s attention, the students are aware what the teacher wants (for them to be quiet) but they all just keep talking anyways.
Classroom Organization Problems Solutions 1.Students are working in class and accomplish tasks at different rates – some students are done very quickly and some take much more time. 1.When class is working collaboratively in small groups in the classroom, how do you regain their attention and refocus them when it is time to come back together? 1.The physical limitations of the environment, which may impede an ideal seating arrangement or group work arrangement. 1.A lesson bombs or some other mistake, which makes it hard to stay with the plan. What do you do with the class at that time – how do you recover? 1.Students are not interested – how to get the class’s attention. 1.During transition times the students get out of their seats, talk with their friends, and generally make the transition times twice as long as they need to be.
STEP 10.2: ELICITING TEACHER’S ROLE Instructions: Make a list of further categories you might use to classify the roles a teacher performs. Example: Entertainer
STEP 10.3 HW Instructions: Look at the following list of some of the activities students might engage in the classroom. Indicate by placing a tick in the appropriate column whether you think the most appropriate ‘grouping’ for the activity would be pairs (P), groups of three to five (G) or individual work (I). Discuss the reasons for your decisions. ACTIVITY PGI Doing course book grammar exercises Doing course book vocabulary exercises Reading comprehension passages Answering comprehension questions Preparing arguments for a discussion for written composition Writing dialogues Brainstorming a lexical field Doing a revision test Talking about topics of personal life Using a dictionary to research vocabulary relating to a special topic Repeating words and phrases to improve pronunciation Role-playing a situation to practise exponents of a particular function (e.g. ‘inviting’)