Singapore Red Cross Society Red Cross Youth First Aid Singapore Red Cross Society Red Cross Youth
Action at Emergency Emergency Action Plan Primary Survey Secondary Survey Recovery Position
Emergency Action Plan Check the scene Call for help Check and care for casualty Primary survey Secondary survey Recovery position
Check the Scene Any immediate danger How many casualty ? How to deal with danger ? Should evacuate casualty ? How many casualty ?
Call for Help Get bystander to help Number to call - 995 Information to convey Location Nature of accident Casualty’s condition
Primary Survey Check for life threatening emergencies R Response level Alert, Voice, Pain, Unconscious A Airway open Head tilt, chin lift/jaw thrust B Breathing Look, listen, feel in 3 to 5 sec C Circulation Pulse in 5 to 10 sec H Haemorrhage – external, internal, shock
Secondary Survey C Casualty’s complaint H History E Examine head to toe C Compare opposite side K Keep checking vital signs Appearance, Breathing, Circulation, Response Level
Examine Head to Toe Head Neck Shoulder and Collar bone Scalp, ears, eyes, nose, mouth Neck Shoulder and Collar bone Chest and Rib Cage Abdomen Pelvis Lower extremities Thigh, knees, lower leg, ankle, toes Upper extremities Arm, forearm, wrist, hand, fingers Back Spine
Recovery position For unconscious casualty after primary and secondary survey before arrival of medical aid Prevent tongue from falling back, blocking the airway Prevent choking by vomitus Also known as three quarter prone position
Recovery position Kneel on safe side of casualty Tuck near hand under thigh with palm facing up Far hand across chest Far leg cross near leg Grip far shoulder and hip Roll casualty towards you Spread casualty hand and leg