Abdominal Region HeadArmsLegsTorso
“Aids” Characteristics Of life Needs of an organism Body Cavities Pot Pourri F.J.
The middle portion. Answer
What is the Umbilical region.
On each side of the umbilical region. Answer
What is the left and right lumbar regions
The lower middle region. Answer
What is the hypogastric region.
The upper middle portion Answer
What is the epigastric region.
The otic region. Answer
What is the ear?
The head region. Answer
What is the cephalic?
The orbital region Answer
What is the eye?
The buccal region. Answer
What is the cheek?
The acromial region. Answer
What is the shoulder?
The axillary region. Answer
What is the armpit?
The bracchial region. Answer
What is the upper arm?
The cubital region. Answer
What is the elbow.
The pedal region. Answer
What is the foot?
The plantar region. Answer
What is the sole of the foot?
The crural region. Answer
What is the lower leg?
The popliteal region. Answer
What is the back of the knee?
The region between the thorax and the pelvis Answer
What is the abdominal region.
The mammary region. Answer
What is the breast?
The lumbar region. Answer
What is the lower back?
The inguinal region. Answer
What is the groin?
The word meaning “heart”. 200 Answer
What is Cardi- 200
Word meaning “cutting” 400 Answer
What is –tomy? 400
The meaning of pariet. 600 Answer
What is “wall”? 600
The meaning of “pleur”. 800 Answer
What is “rib” 800
When waste is removed from the body. 200 Answer
What is excretion? 200
Movement of substances through fluids. 400 Answer
What is circulation? 400
The definition of responsiveness. 600 Answer
What is to react to a stimuli? 600
To change substances that are taken in to a chemically different form used by the body. 800 Answer
What is assimilation? 800
Any force upon a body. 200 Answer
What is pressure? 200
Measurement of heat. 400 Answer
What is temperature? 400
Used to release energy from food. 600 Answer
What is Oxygen? 600
The force of water upon a body. 800 Answer
What is hydrostatic pressure? 800
The back cavity. 200 Answer
What is the dorsal cavity? 200
The section of the body with the arms and legs. 400 Answer
What is the appendicular portion? 400
The organs of the ventral cavities. 600 Answer
What are the visceral organs? 600
The thoracic cavity. 800 Answer
What is the chest cavity containing the heart and lungs? 800
Farther away from the point of attachment. 200 Answer
What is distal? 200
A plane cutting the body into a ventral and dorsal section. 400 Answer
What is a frontal/coronal plane? 400
Towards the outside. 600 Answer
What is peripheral? 600
Cutting something at an angle. 800 Answer
What is an oblique section? 800
FINAL JEOPARDY Levels of Organization Answer
Final Jeopardy List the levels of organization, from smallest to largest.