Alienation and Social Class Elajah, Cristian, Rachel and Javier
It does this only by giving rise to the proletariat as proletariat-this poverty conscious of its own spiritual and physical poverty, this dehumanization that is conscious of itself as a dehumanization and hence abolishes itself. This quote is trying to convey that the rich class gains wealth through the hard labor of the poor class and its workers, but it also tells us that the rich class wants the poor class to feel they have no meaning and that they have a human less life, almost similar to a symbiotic relationship. “Alienation and Social Class” By Karl Marx " " Power Quotes
“ ” It does this only by giving rise to the proletariat as proletariat-this poverty conscious of its own spiritual and physical poverty, this dehumanization that is conscious of itself as a dehumanization and hence abolishes itself. “Alienation and Social Class” By Karl Marx This quote is trying to convey that the rich class gains wealth through the hard labor of the poor class and its workers, but it also tells us that the rich class wants the poor class to feel they have no meaning and that they have a human less life, almost similar to a symbiotic relationship.
Power and connection to The Great Gatsby Alienation and Social Class Karl Marx "The possessing class and the proletarian class represent one and the human self-alienation" - ("Alienation and Social Class" By Karl Marx, 4 paragraph) This quote is saying that the rich and the poor have a symbiotic relationship, with out the other they would not be able to survive. The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald In The Great Gatsby, the rich (West and East Egg) and the poor (Valley of Ashes) need each other. They work together, without each other they would not be able to live. Tom needs Wilson to fix his car. "'Like to buy it?' 'Big chance' Wilson smiled faintly. 'No, but I could make some money on the other'" - (Fitzgerald, 123) Connection to The Great Gatsby
“ ” But the former feels satisfied and affirmed in this self-alienation seeing in its own impotence and the reality of an inhuman experience. “Alienation and Social Class” By Karl Marx This quote from Karl Marx article about alienation can describe the character Tom in the great Gatsby because as Tom learns about the relationship between Gatsby and his wife Daisy he is powerless to make Daisy his, as well when he learns that Myrtle his mistress is planning on moving away with her husband Wilson giving Tom no power to change the outcome.
Continued... Alienation and Social Class The wealthy class "experiences the alienation as a sign of its own power" -(Alienation and Social Class, Karl Marx paragraph 4) This quote is talking about power and how people are different than others due to power or money. The Great Gatsby "His wife and his mistress, until an hour ago secure and inviolate, were slipping precipitately from his control" -(Fitzgerald, 125) Even tough rich people might have a lot of power, it can easily slip away as it did with Tom Buchanan
Continued... Alienation and Social Class "The latter, however, feels destroyed in this alienation, and seeing in its own importance and the reality of inhuman existence" -(Alienation and Social Class, Karl Marx paragraph 4) This is talking about people who are poor and do not have a lot of power. They know that they are worth something but people think otherwise so it is a big internal conflict. The Great Gatsby In The Great Gatsby Mr. Wilson is poor and he has no power. He knows that he is worth something but he doesn’t really know what it is. He is having this mental power struggle.
Gender What we found very interesting as we read Alienation and Social Class by Karl Marx, is that Marks does not mention gender at all. We think that he is trying to keep his writing gender neutral. “Both the proletariat itself and its conditioning opposite-private property- disappear with the victory of the proletariat.” “Alienation and Social Class” By Karl Marx
American Dream "The compelled to abolish itself and thereby its conditioning opposite-private property-which makes it proletariat" “Alienation and Social Class” By Karl Marx This quote is trying to show that the poor social class is hurting itself and there by leading to the cause of making the rich poor too. The American Dream then becomes less possible.
“ ” This is a negative side of the antagonism, its disturbance within itself, private property abolished and in the process of abolishing itself. “Alienation and Social Class” By Karl Marx The quote shows that when private property having a conflict it could lead to the process of abolishing itself until it has completely been abolished. Then the American Dream is hard to achieve because without money there's no chance of living in a nice house, owning a new car, having a good life style without any worries.
“ ” The proletariat, on the other hand, is compelled to preserve its own existence, and thereby the existence of its opposite, the proletariat. This is the positive side of the antagonism, it's disturbance within itself, private property satisfied with itself. “Alienation and Social Class” By Karl Marx This quote relates to both the American dream and Gatsby because the quote is trying to say that the rich class is protecting his wealth rather then spending it since the wealth came from hard work and freedom.