Welcome To Third Grade! Please come in and sign in on the kidney table. Thank you! Please come in and sign in on the kidney table. Thank you!
Schedule / 7:45-8:05-Morning Routines / 8:05-8:35- Science/ SS / 8:35-9:35- Math / 9:35-10:00 Recess / 10:00-10:30- Lunch / 10:30-11:00- Enrichment/ III / 11:00-12:30- Reading / 12:30-1:00- Fine Arts / 1:00-1:50- Writing / 1:50: Pack up, Dismissal / 7:45-8:05-Morning Routines / 8:05-8:35- Science/ SS / 8:35-9:35- Math / 9:35-10:00 Recess / 10:00-10:30- Lunch / 10:30-11:00- Enrichment/ III / 11:00-12:30- Reading / 12:30-1:00- Fine Arts / 1:00-1:50- Writing / 1:50: Pack up, Dismissal
Technology! We have 2 class websites. (Please see me if you do not have an activation code.) It has information about the class and links to online versions of our textbooks. It has our schedule, weekly homework and focus, as well as pictures and a link to our Class Dojo account. We will also be using academic programs such as: FCAT Explorer, River Deep, Reading Counts, Reading Plus, Go Math & Xtra Math. We have 2 class websites. (Please see me if you do not have an activation code.) It has information about the class and links to online versions of our textbooks. It has our schedule, weekly homework and focus, as well as pictures and a link to our Class Dojo account. We will also be using academic programs such as: FCAT Explorer, River Deep, Reading Counts, Reading Plus, Go Math & Xtra Math.
Standardized Testing! In third grade the students have diagnostic testing 2 times per year. They take the SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) each trimester. The students also participate in Palm Beach Writes. In April, they will be taking FCAT 2.0 Reading & Math. In class we complete reading running record booklets every few months. In third grade the students have diagnostic testing 2 times per year. They take the SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) each trimester. The students also participate in Palm Beach Writes. In April, they will be taking FCAT 2.0 Reading & Math. In class we complete reading running record booklets every few months.
Homework Homework is to be completed every night. They will copy homework every morning in their planners. After your child has completed their homework, they are to show you the completed work. You should sign the planner acknowledging that the homework is complete. They need to read EVERY NIGHT.
Reading / We read chapter books to improve fluency and comprehension. We will be completing literacy rotations that focus on language arts skills. / The students should have a chapter book to read at all times. / Students work in their Reader’s Notebook to track their progress throughout the year and respond to literature. / We read chapter books to improve fluency and comprehension. We will be completing literacy rotations that focus on language arts skills. / The students should have a chapter book to read at all times. / Students work in their Reader’s Notebook to track their progress throughout the year and respond to literature.
What is Word Study? / It is NOT memorizing lists of words and having a spelling test each week. / Luckily, there is an alternative to traditional spelling instruction called "Word Study" which is not based on the random memorization of words. / A word study program is a cohesive approach that addresses word recognition, vocabulary, and phonics as well as spelling.
Reading Plus / Is a program that works to increase students’ fluency, reading rate, and comprehension. / This program can be accessed at home as well using the student’s pb# and the site code Calusa2051.
Reading Counts! Reading Counts! is a program that allows the students to read books that they have chosen from their lexile level. Once they have read the book they can go to the computers during free time and access their account. They answer multiple choice questions. If they score a 70% or above the program keeps track of the number of words they have read.
Math / We will use math manipulatives. / Ask your child about the day’s lesson and review their homework with them. / We use the Go Math series. / Go Math is a math series that challenges students and encourages them to solve problems in their own ways. / Math Packets/ Folders / We will use math manipulatives. / Ask your child about the day’s lesson and review their homework with them. / We use the Go Math series. / Go Math is a math series that challenges students and encourages them to solve problems in their own ways. / Math Packets/ Folders
Writing / Writing Notebook - each child has decorated a personal writing notebook. We have just begun to work on personal narratives. / Writing Series- Lucy Caulkins The Writer’s Workshop / Writing Notebook - each child has decorated a personal writing notebook. We have just begun to work on personal narratives. / Writing Series- Lucy Caulkins The Writer’s Workshop
Social Studies/ Science / We have a new social studies series reflecting the new Common Core Standards. / All third grade students will be participating in Science Fair this year with individual projects. / We have a new social studies series reflecting the new Common Core Standards. / All third grade students will be participating in Science Fair this year with individual projects.
Recess / PLEASE have your children wear sneakers everyday. / We are in need of soccer balls, jump ropes, and any other equipment you would like to donate. / PLEASE have your children wear sneakers everyday. / We are in need of soccer balls, jump ropes, and any other equipment you would like to donate.
Classroom Wish list Electric Stapler Electric Pencil Sharpener Manila Folders (3 cut Letter size) Bean Bag Chairs/ Seating (for class library area) Clear Sheet Protectors Gently Used or New Chapter Books (Grade Appropriate) Used Ink Cartridges Sharpie Markers Electric Stapler Electric Pencil Sharpener Manila Folders (3 cut Letter size) Bean Bag Chairs/ Seating (for class library area) Clear Sheet Protectors Gently Used or New Chapter Books (Grade Appropriate) Used Ink Cartridges Sharpie Markers
Adopt a Class If you would like to donate any money to adopt-a-class, the funds will be used to enhance our curriculum as well as for rewards. I truly appreciate any contributions!