Regional scale N 2 O fluxes in eastern and central Amazônia: Monica T.S. D’Amelio Luciana Vanni Gatti John B. Miller Pieter Tans
Outline Vertical profile samples N 2 O Flux Calculation Enhancement of N 2 O since 2004 N 2 O Flux seasonality CO x N 2 O
N 2 O is the 3 rd most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas Life time: 120 years Global Warming Potential: 300 (100- years time-horizon) In ppb
Sample Sites: SAN, MAN km SAN: Dec Dec 2008 MAN: Dec Dec 2007 NOAA: IPEN: Gases: CO 2, CH 4, CO, H 2, N 2 O, SF 6 Regional scale
Methodology of Calculation
Flux calculation Barbados (RPB) Ascension (ASC) SAN MAN FLOW Miller et al., 2007 method Trajectories Study (Hysplit model) Very Large Flux Chamber FTL
Back-trajectory – Hysplit model
Background calculation ?
Defining tracer gas ‘No’ Emissions 2x10 5 SF 6 = Tracer gas
Background calculation
N 2 O Time series Above 1200m Before ppb After ppb Below 1200m Before ppb After ppb
Normalized Profiles
F SAN = 1.5 mgN 2 O/m²/yr F MAN = 2.1 mgN 2 O/m²/yr
N 2 O x CO - SAN Ratio CO/N 2 O 229 molCO/molN 2 O (coast to SAN) Andreae and Merlet 817 molCO/molN 2 O (tropical forest)
Summary Simple transport model, but calibrated with SF 6 measurements. Enhancement of N 2 O mixing ratio since 2004 N 2 O Flux seasonality from coast to SAN and less seasonality from coast to MAN From coast to SAN – wet, dry high fluxes CO x N 2 O: no clear pattern