SESSION IV Legal Framework of Land Management
Unlocking the Potential of the Land Register for the Good of Society Strategy towards improving the data of the LR by making first registration desireble for the owners – 40 % if surface area is not registered Strategy towards improving the data of the LR by making first registration desireble for the owners – 40 % if surface area is not registered By law – obligatory when land is sold, given or inheritedBy law – obligatory when land is sold, given or inherited By introducing the benefits of registrationBy introducing the benefits of registration Electronic access to the information of the Land Register is of great importance Electronic access to the information of the Land Register is of great importance Customer´s demands drive the development of services (customer satisfaction surveys) Customer´s demands drive the development of services (customer satisfaction surveys) EULIS – opens up access to real property information in other European countries and vice versa EULIS – opens up access to real property information in other European countries and vice versa
Land Reform and Practices in Turkey Description of several legislation on land reform and the results from them Description of several legislation on land reform and the results from them Clear implementing rules are needed + simple and flexible procedures are of great importantance Clear implementing rules are needed + simple and flexible procedures are of great importantance Objectives of land reform need to be clear and defined all the time Objectives of land reform need to be clear and defined all the time Evaluation of the results is needed as basis for further development Evaluation of the results is needed as basis for further development Approaches have to be determined to prevent further fragmentation in the future Approaches have to be determined to prevent further fragmentation in the future
Ukraines´s Experience in Legal Regulation of Cadastral and Land Registation System In 1991 there was underdeveloped legal basis of cadastre, outdated and imperfect maps In 1991 there was underdeveloped legal basis of cadastre, outdated and imperfect maps Land market needs Cadastre and Land Register which is not in place at the national level Land market needs Cadastre and Land Register which is not in place at the national level Slow procedure on establishment of Law on State Land Cadastre Slow procedure on establishment of Law on State Land Cadastre Lessons: Lessons: Coherent and consistent land policy is needed firstCoherent and consistent land policy is needed first Land Policy is only a beginningLand Policy is only a beginning
Legal framework of Land Management in Lithuania after 1990 Restitution of land ownership is still very high on the polictical agenda in Lithuania Restitution of land ownership is still very high on the polictical agenda in Lithuania Land reforms have taken longer time than expected Land reforms have taken longer time than expected Weaknesses and lessons to learn were pointed out Weaknesses and lessons to learn were pointed out Weak institutional structure could been seen as the main obstacle for successful implementation of the present land reform and changes of the government´s policy and land legislationWeak institutional structure could been seen as the main obstacle for successful implementation of the present land reform and changes of the government´s policy and land legislation Most countries see reforms in Lithuania as a great success bearing in mind the need in 1990 for building up the economic and legal basis, setting up the organisational structure when looking at the results in land administration Most countries see reforms in Lithuania as a great success bearing in mind the need in 1990 for building up the economic and legal basis, setting up the organisational structure when looking at the results in land administration