Development Planning and Administration MPA – 403 Lecture 18 FACILITATOR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood Bagram
Reflections 3
4 "If you have a difficult task, give it to a lazy man – he will find an easier way to do it" – Hlade's Law
5 Most human resources and business professionals understand this but it is alarming how few are able to implement it. Why is this? Human Resources are the most important asset of any organization.
6 Delegation defined Delegation is the process that makes management possible, because management is the process of getting results accomplished through others. Managerial Functions:
7 Delegation Unless you delegate tasks to your subordinates, your team will become inefficient and demoralized. "I not only use all the brains I have, but all I can borrow." - Woodrow Wilson
8 Why Delegate? Globalization, Information technology explosion, Increased mergers, Heightened competition, and Higher expectations of nearly every customer it just isn't possible to still be that one person in control of everything. Bringing in others to manage is an absolute necessity for survival now. You must perform only "essential activities" that give the company its competitive advantage. Learn to do less and manage more. The delegation task is in finding the right persons and giving them the right work.
9 Tasks you should not delegate Following activities are sensitive & should not be delegated: Hiring Firing Pay issues Policy
10 Advantages of Delegation
11 Advantages of Delegation Positive aspects of delegation include: Higher efficiency Increased motivation Develops the skills of your team Better distribution of work through the group Faster decision-making
12 Advantages of Delegation The organization: increased productivity. The department / team: becomes more enthusiastic, active, and successful. Employees: career development, increases energy.
13 Advantages of Delegation Build human resource capabilities Encouraging radical ideas and risk-taking Improving employee performance to an optimum level Being a stronger, more productive company Handling change easily and encouraging growth Bringing out the very best in people and unlocking potential
14 Four Stages to Successful Delegation Assume that people who work for you have ability and show you have confidence in them Be specific about what is expected. Tell the person: what should be done; why it is needed; and when it should be completed Tell them what should be done, but don't tell them how. Give credit and praise generously if a person does a good job
15 Disadvantages of Poor Delegation
16 Poor Delegation Signs that your delegation is failing include: Human Resource morale is down You are always working late Your team is confused / conflicting / tense Not delegating a task because you think that you would do it better than anyone else is a poor excuse. Doing this, will just make life difficult for yourself.
17 Disadvantages of Poor Delegation Limitations of this approach: assigning authority does not mean that someone has the ability, motivation, and understanding necessary to perform.
18 6 Steps to Motivation The following steps can be taken to help achieve and maintain motivation: 1. Provide opportunities for human resources 2. Indicate the importance/value of the human resources. 3. Make people feel they are important. 4. Clarify goals. 5. Identify progress. 6. Acknowledge achievements.
19 Disadvantages of Poor Delegation Are the involved parties coming to you angry and confused? Delegating a project to one department is likely to have implications for other departments. Keep it in mind as you delegate.
20 Disadvantages of Poor Delegation Deliberate Redundancy If you're thinking that assigning the same task to multiple managers inspires healthy competition, you're sadly mistaken. This type of delegation actually inspires conflict.
21 Disadvantages of Poor Delegation Much like parents who do a child's homework thinking they're helping. When you delegate responsibility, delegate the earned positive/negative consequences.
22 Disadvantages of Poor Delegation Delegating to weakness Delegating tasks outside the scope of one's competence. Classic examples of this include putting the financial officer in charge of marketing.
23 Conclusion Effective delegation will enable you to: develop good people, it will save you time, and it will give your business the characteristics of a well-oiled machine. Poor delegation will get you: frustration, poor task execution, and a group of demotivated employees.
Thank you for your kind attention! Thank you for your kind attention! FACILITATOR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood Bagram 24